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Kiwis Face a Wall of Silence

red bricks wall
Photo by Kenny Eliason. The BFD.

Kiwis are up against a passive–aggressive wall of silence.

The mRNA Covid -19 vaccine was administered by health professionals knowing there were no checks or safeguards, so who will test any new medical drugs?” said Dr Kerryn Phelps recently, a respected Australian clinician, after she and her partner both suffered significant vaccine injuries.

The burden of proof seems to be placed on the vaccine injured rather than the neutral scientific position of placing suspicion on the vaccine in the absence of any other cause and the temporal position with the administration of the vaccine.

Phelps also said,

Vaccine injury is a subject that few in the medical profession have wanted to talk about. Regulators of the medical profession have censored public discussion about adverse events following immunisation, with threats to doctors not to make any public statements about anything that ‘might undermine the government’s vaccine roll out’ or risk suspension or loss of their registration.

This Aussie doctor is breaking the silence and calling for more research. All far too late, but better than nothing.

The world was told that the mRNA jab was ‘safe and effective’. “Trust us,” Ardern said. “We will be your single source of truth.” In other words, she made it very clear, even to childbearing women that they could get the Pfizer vaccine at any stage of their pregnancy. They believed her. This was a tested and proven safe new injection that would stop them from getting sick or dying of Covid 19.

Kiwis took 100% of the risk.

A health professional admonished me for getting concerned about it, because ‘it is not good for your mental health’.  The chiding was demeaning.  The professional simply wanted me to move on, to put it all behind us.

This sadly fits a definition of passive–aggressive behaviour. The response avoided any further discussion by offering faux care of my state of mind over the important matters I had raised. There was an inability to show remorse or empathy instead of addressing the situation calmly and honestly. The medical profession continues at large to be a bullying passive-resistant group maintaining a wall of silence on the issues. They are still advocating their patients have an ineffective medical procedure, and worse, one that is harmful to some people. At this point, there is no official acknowledgement of any wrongdoing or misleading of the public.

The cowardly refusal to communicate is not only a local scandal but a global one. Billions of shots are being thrust into the arms of millions of innocent people, with little testing, few exemptions, and no informed consent of any risk.  Subsequently, huge numbers of people are getting ill with Covid-19, sustaining vaccine injuries, and some loved ones are even dying. The burden of proof should not fall on the consumer. Rather, the onus should be on the manufacturer of the product, but any liability has been signed away by the purchaser. Who then should be accountable?

Who will test any future new drugs?

Trust in the medical profession and others is irretrievable for many as a result. The ineffectiveness of this new mRNA jab is patently obvious. The facts are – it does not prevent transmission, sickness, injury, hospitalisation, or death.

  • Big Pharma took 0% risk, but now admits they did no transmission testing. They cannot be trusted.
  • Medsafe (New Zealand Medicine and Medical Devices Safety Authority) approved an untested injection. They cannot be trusted.
  • Jacinda Ardern coerced people into having it. She cannot be trusted.
  • Ashley Bloomfield, the Director of Health’s message, was to get vaccinated to protect yourself from Covid-19 and protect granny. He cannot be trusted.
  • GPs, specialists and the government promoted it rigorously on media, social media and at their clinics. They cannot be trusted.
Truth is knowledge held back by power – where did the burden of proof go?

Presently the consumer has an insurmountable task to establish any causal link between injury or death. Rather than engaging in an adversarial struggle with the opponent, they find themselves battling a government – sponsored ideology promulgated by the legacy media that places pressure on institutions to toe the line, thereby unreasonably shifting the burden of proof on the consumer. Perhaps next, we will see vehicle manufacturers rely on consumers to do their own car crash tests, too; only time will tell.

By virtue of the preponderance of the evidence, the burden of proof has been switched so much that it has legally muzzled the consumer/patient/doctors, and scientists in what should be a balanced system governed by the Rule of Law.

In the Spectator Australia, 9th January 23 an article by Tony Nikolic

The analogy of car crash testing by the consumer above is overdramatic but effective in getting the message across.  It is nonsense to expect the public to test a car or a vaccine.

There can be no justification for a national campaign of this magnitude of social and medical experiment and compulsion. Who is to blame? Is no one taking responsibility?  The trouble is that it could happen again as no one seems able to face up to this horrendous status quo.
