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Knock, Knock – It’s the Thought Police

When the Gaystapo kick down your door. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.
Now it is 1984

Knock knock at your front door

It’s the suede/denim secret police

The Dead Kennedys, “California Uber Alles”

It’s taken nearly 40 years since the calendar ticked over to 1984, but we’re finally arriving at the panopticon authoritarian surveillance state that Orwell warned us about. We didn’t even have to be forced to install telescreens in our homes: we voluntarily carry them with us everywhere, and call them “social media”.

As for the secret police, well they don’t wear suede/denim, they wear rainbow ribbons — and they don’t even bother kicking down your door under cover of darkness.

As British journalist Caroline Farrow discovered in the harshest possible way, the enforcers of rainbow authoritarianism will kick down your door in broad daylight and cart you down to the cells with impunity.

All for allegedly “offending” a bunch of mentally ill men in dresses.

Police officers from the United Kingdom’s (UK’s) Surrey Police force arrested journalist Caroline Farrow after she was reported for allegedly posting a “grossly offensive message.” The officers seized Farrow’s electronic devices, questioned her at Guildford Police Station, and released her under investigation.

Never mind any such footling process as even establishing whether Farrow even sent the messages, which weren’t under her name and which she steadfastly denies sending.

In a statement, Surrey Police said: “When we receive an allegation of a crime, in this instance one where a grossly offensive message is said to have been communicated, it is our job to assess it alongside any available evidence to identify if an offence has been committed. If it has, we gather further evidence and carry out an investigation to prove or disprove the allegation. That is exactly the process that is being followed in this case.”

Is it “exactly the process” to force their way without a warrant into the home of someone who hasn’t been actually charged with a crime, and steal their possessions?

According to Farrow, two police officers showed up at her home while she was preparing dinner and told her that they’d come to arrest her for “malicious comms.” Farrow said she asked the officers whether they had a warrant but they told her they don’t need one and one officer barged his way into her home.

Farrow claimed that all of her devices were seized by the police, including a Chromebook that she was using for work and an iPad that her 10-year-old daughter with autism uses for homeschooling and to store her Harry Potter audiobooks […]

Farrow claimed that she was frisked, arrested, and then held in cells for a few hours.

Police initially claimed that “emailing people ‘malicious messages’ was a crime”… except that they later backtracked and admitted that the messages in question hadn’t even been emailed at all. Instead, they’d been posted anonymously on the internet.

What “malicious messages”?

According to Farrow, the police officers then showed her a series of posts which included a photoshopped photo of the Queen and her corgis, a cartoon, and a post from the online forum Kiwi Farms which contained screenshots from the online forum Mumsnet. Farrow said the police asked if she’d seen the photoshopped photo before, asked her to explain what was going on in the cartoon, and accused her of operating several Kiwi Farms accounts [..]

“I mean literally posts were printed from KiwiFarms and given to the police as evidence and the police have taken the complainants’ word for it in the utter absence of evidence,” Farrow tweeted. “It’s unreal” […]

Farrow also claimed that police officers admitted they had no evidence of her posting the alleged insulting messages.

Farrow also claimed that police officers admitted they had no evidence of her posting the alleged insulting messages.

The Stasi never needed evidence. Nor did the Gestapo or the KGB.
Their “rainbow” ideological heirs are merely carrying on the grand tradition of totalitarian regimes throughout history.

“You want evidence? We don’t need evidence.”

The event is the latest story about British police trying to arrest people over “offensive” speech.

Surrey Police previously visited the home of a parish councilor to warn him that he could be arrested for posting an image that said “trans rights are very, very boring” on Facebook. Police in other parts of the country have also sent five officers to arrest a man for posting a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) flag swastika on social media and visited the home of a women’s rights campaigner for “being untoward about pedophiles” in a YouTube video.

Reclaim the Net

Whatever you do, don’t upset the paedophiles. They’re “just another sexuality”, after all, you bigot
