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Sidney Powell Dominion voting machine

She’s baaack!

Kraken, Sidney Powell was posting on Telegram the events around the latest audit of the US election in Georgia. Chief Judge Brian Amero has ordered Fulton County ballots to be unsealed and inspected by auditors.

Georgia was part of the “suitcase scandal” when Ruby and her daughter were videoed putting the same ballots through the machines three times. This was after everyone had been ushered out and told that counting had stopped for the night. But four people stayed behind, and counting went on for another three hours, unsupervised.

At 12.18 am on November 4, Biden received 98% of a 23,487 batch of votes. At 1.34 am the same morning, 136,155 votes went to Biden and 29,115 votes went to Trump. Of the 145,000 absentee ballots, 106,000 were adjudicated. This is an extraordinarily high number.

Nine witness affidavits testify to stacks of unusual mail-in ballots with pristine sheets, no creases, and perfect bubbles that all went for Biden.

Georgia is not the only state where there is trouble a brewin’: Maricopa County, Arizona must be important to Hilary Clinton as she has sent her own attorney Marc Ellas down there along with John Podesta and Biden’s chief of staff.

The bombshell of the Maricopa County elections in 2020 was that Dominion ran the whole caboodle. The election County officials never had access or passwords. A private company ran the elections, not the county.

On top of that the whole database of Maricopa County disappeared days before the audit was due to start. A company called Cyber Ninjas was able to retrieve it. The Maricopa Board of Supervisors and the Soros-backed Sheriff implored the Arizona Senate to end the audit “for the good of the country.”

Trump was “Yuge” in Maricopa County. Biden and Harris just couldn’t get a turn out there, which is why there was unease after the election. It didn’t add up in more ways than one.

Another county where there is a bit of a rumble going on is Windham in New Hampshire. The Dems brought it upon themselves when Kristi St Lauren asked for a recount when she lost in the state legislature vote by 24. This opened a can of worms.
One particular machine had undercounted the four Republicans by 300 votes each.

Three companies own the voting machines, which constitutes an oligopoly. Five states have no paper trail, which helps to obscure any voting irregularity. Kamala Harris said in 2018 the machines were not state of the art. There is back door entry into some of these machines, which means fraud can occur. Biden won by only a few thousand votes spread over a multitude of states.

There is a fault line running through the 2020 election. If this becomes more apparent to the electorate, will there be a call for new elections for President of the USA?

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