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Release the Kraken

Mythical being of the day: Kraken [krah-kuhn] noun A large and aggressive sea-beast said to inhabit Nordic waterways principally, but ubiquitous in Scandinavian folk-lore. Capable of forming powerful whirlpools sufficient to imperil passing nautical traffic, they are in all instances to be avoided. Never photographed in its native fjords it has nevertheless been claimed, by multiple sources – various and dubious in equal proportion, to have been sighted and captured, if only on camera, off one of Auckland, New Zealand’s beaches in the Spring of 2021, sadly forced from its Norwegian home to the opposite side of the globe, almost certainly as a result of plankton depletion in its preferred habitat caused by anthropogenic climate change:

Re-appearing on New Zealand’s far-left Red-Radio twitter-feed on Jan 9, 2023, Kraken swiftly got the boot, the hurry-up. A torrent of responders replying with utter contempt: they are over Kraken fairy tales. It appears, among New Zealanders anyway, that every man and his wife are thoroughly sick of childish scare-mongering; they are not taking it anymore.

“In what way does she qualify as an expert on viruses or epidemiology”

“More concerned about the pink haired creature having any say in my freedoms than I am of getting the flu.”

“Ha, expert”, “The laughing stock of the international science community”

“Come on!!! Stop the scaremongering, nobody cares anymore.”

“I wouldn’t trust her with anything.”

“The vaccinated must feel pretty ripped off considering this expert’s advice to beat the pandemic is to open a window.”

“Just sitting here kraken up at the label ‘expert’.”

“This is satire right. This pink haired tart is a proven liar and hypocrite. I’d be safer reading tea leaves”…

Yep, we’re done. We’re not havin’ it; Siouxsie, get out, get kraken, get gone. Your fifteen minutes of doom-porn fame are finished.
