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“Oh How the Mighty have Fallen”

Joe Biden might claim to be Superman running up Airforce One stairs at 78 years old. Who else is going to do that?

Is that Super Joe or Superannuated Joe?

AP reports that  ‘Veep Kackling’ Kamala (Harris) does not want the job at the border.
When asked “If she was going to the Border?” She said “Not today” and laughed.
Putting her in charge of the border is like putting a Fox in charge of the Hen House.
She called the ICE people “Stormtroopers.”

Kackling Kamala is right. It is a Joke! It is time for the April Fool after all.
150,000 illegal Aliens came to the Southern Border in March. It is “March Madness”.
This is 50,000 more than than “February Fool”. This is just another way that the Dems are increasing their vote. They won’t get it from affected Americans.

Obama’s “Catch And Release” policy seems to be reinstated. If you have a child below the age of 7, this is automatic entry! 85% get through. Most say they would not have come if Trump was still in charge.

Brian Hastings chief of Border Patrol in the Rio Grande Valley reported 861 criminals, 92 sex offenders and 63 gang members amongst would-be immigrants.

“Sweet Georgia”:
What’s happened to WAPO? (Washington Post)
First, they acknowledged the misinformation story about Trump’s phone call to a Georgian Election official (they had to because a recording turned up)  now the fact-checkers there have given Joe four “Pinocchios”  for his comments (lies) on new rules for Georgia Elections.

Remember the “conjured suitcases trick” under the black cloths at Arena State Farm?
Georgia now at least has Voter ID and a few other measures to prevent Fraud.
Looks like Arizona will follow. The game is up and the Dems know it.

Biden thinks he can do better than Trump on all fronts, like the Vaccine and the Border.
Here is a few lines of Irving Berlin’s song from “Annie get your gun” which exemplifies it:

Anything you can do I can do better, I can do anything better than you,
No you can’t, Yes I can, No you can’t, Yes I Can, Yes I can.
Anything you can be, I can be greater, Sooner or later I’m greater than you.

I’m superior you’re inferior, I’m the big attraction you’re the small
I’m the  major one, you’re the minor one, I can beat you shootin, that’s not all,
I can open any safe without being caught,
That’s what I thought, You Crook!

Will “Dementia Joe” be the “April Fool”?
If Joe cannot look after his own Border, how can he help the Ukrainians?
Russian “separatists” have killed Four Ukrainian soldiers recently and wounded one.
Russian troops are amassing on the Ukranian Border.
Putin is not one to miss an opportunity. Remember Crimea and Syria. Who’s next?

Mike Lindell says he will have a conservative Social Media platform up in a few weeks. It can handle a billion people. The platform is called Frank.
Jack Dorsey of Twitter says he regrets banning discussion of Hunter Biden before the 2020 election. What’s got into these virulent Lefties? Twitter has lost profits, maybe.
Trump told Lara Trump in a recent interview that blocking of Hunter Biden had cost him 10% of the vote.

Biden’s rabid dogs have taken after their master. They have bitten another person at the White House.  A ground employee. Even the dogs are revolting!

As Edward R. Murrow said “A nation of sheep will soon have a government of wolves”.

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