This week’s post introduces a little known popular Israeli treat, the krembo, which literally translates from Hebrew as “cream inside”. While unique in name to Israel, it is pretty common all over the world and comes in all shapes, sizes and names.
The krembo is basically Italian meringue (marshmallow) piped onto a shortcrust biscuit and covered in a super-thin coating of melted chocolate and cocoa butter. The krembo was a popular treat brought by immigrants from North-East Europe to Israel in the early 20th century and Denmark is generally given the credit as the original source of all krembos.
The krembo is a seasonal delight only available during Israel’s short winter. About 50 million krembos are consumed every year during the ‘krembo season’.
Primarily enjoyed by kids, adults also indulge.
Shortcrust cocoa base
- 100 g sugar
- 200 g butter, cubed
- 270 g flour
- 30 g cocoa powder
- A pinch of salt
- 1 egg
Mix all dry ingredients in a mixer with a paddle at low speed for a minute, add butter and increase speed to medium. When the mixture resembles coarse sand, add the egg and mix for a short time until combined. Remove from bowl, wrap in cling wrap and let the dough rest for half an hour in the fridge.
Roll the dough out on a floured surface to a thickness of two to three millimetres, place on baking paper on a tray and put it in the freezer until hard. Remove and use a number four cutter ring to cut out as many little biscuits as you require. Place biscuits on a baking tray and bake at 180 C for 10 to 12 minutes. Remove and leave to cool.
Italian meringue
- 450 g sugar
- 112 ml water
- 165 g egg white
Place water and sugar in a saucepan on a medium-high heat and bring to a temperature of 118 C. Remove from heat and rest for a moment. Whisk egg whites using the balloon attachment on high speed, while slowly pouring the sugar syrup down the inside of the mixing bowl: make sure you don’t pour it straight into the egg whites. Once all the syrup is in, turn speed down to medium high and mix until firm with stiff peaks.
Place the shortcrust discs on a tray and use the largest piping nozzle to pipe the meringue onto each biscuit, making whatever shape you desire. Once piped take a glass of water, wet your fingertip and gently push down the ‘spitz’ or ‘chupchik’ on the top. Place in freezer overnight before coating with chocolate the next day.
Super-thin dark chocolate coating
- 300 g dark chocolate, minimum 54%
- 90 g cocoa butter
Or, for a black and white krembonation
- 300 g white chocolate
- 45 g cocoa butter
In a bain marie, melt the chocolate then remove from the heat and let rest a minute. Place the undressed krembo on a wire tray on top of another deeper tray and quickly pour the chocolate mixture over each krembo ensuring they are completely coated. You can reuse the melted chocolate that collects in the deeper tray. When finished place the wire tray and finished krembo in the freezer and let freeze again before consuming. Any leftover coating chocolate can be frozen and used next time.
The krembo is both elegant and attractive as part of a formal chocolate dessert and a real treat for the kids.
These are yummy and very easy to over consume; for your tummy’s sake, don’t eat too many.
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