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Labor Just Love Their Foreign Crims

Not the sort of thing you tend to miss, when you’re looking for the stationary supplies cupboard. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Labor just loves bad wogs.

Whether it’s raping old ladies in Australia, or murdering Jews in Israel,  it seems there’s no level of foreign criminality the Albanese government isn’t prepared to pander to.

As reported on The BFD late last year, the Albanese government responded to a cretinous High Court ruling on detaining foreign-born criminals with even greater stupidity. While it had known for months that the ruling was imminent, Labor had done nothing to anticipate it, least of all preparing emergency legislation to deal with it.

Instead, they just turned hundreds of very bad wogs loose on Australians.

Seven murderers, 37 sex offenders and 72 violent criminals were released from immigration detention by the Albanese government following last year’s NZYQ High Court ruling.

Documents tabled in the Senate on Monday morning reveal the 149 detainees released also included 16 domestic violence offenders, 13 drug traffickers, and five people convicted of people smuggling or other crimes of international significance.

Just five of those released had committed low-level crimes, or were not criminal offenders.

Dozens have already been re-arrested within weeks of being set free by Labor, for getting right back into their raping, child-molesting ways.

And the government has done absolutely nothing about it.

The documents, tabled at the request of opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson, also reveal the Albanese government is yet to make a single preventative detention application under new laws introduced last year following the government’s bungled release of the detainees.

Six of those released have been arrested and charged for breaching their visa conditions. A further 18 have been charged by state and territory police.

But as of January 31, none of the 149 immigration detainees released under the ruling have been detained in an immigration facility.

The only work Labor have been doing is trying to keep the whole thing a secret from Australian voters.

Home Affairs department secretary Stephanie Foster has refused a Coalition information request ahead of a border security grilling at Senate estimates over the release of dangerous non-citizens and the first onshore asylum-seeker boat arrival.

Ahead of key department and Australian Border Force officials appearing at a Senate estimates hearing on Monday, The Australian can reveal Ms Foster rebuffed attempts by the Coalition to seek answers on last year’s bungled release of immigration detainees.

The Australian

And while the Albanese government fell over itself in its rush to turn loose a mob of violent foreign criminals in Australia, they’re desperately looking around for excuses to resume sending millions of dollars to even worse scumbags overseas.

Labor politicians and Muslim leaders are pressuring Anthony Albanese to restore funding to the UN’s Palestinian aid agency before Israel’s potential assault on the civilian-heavy city of Rafah, despite discovery of an underground military complex beneath the group’s Gaza headquarters.

Somehow, though, we’re expected to believe that Aunty Helen’s UNRWA was completely unaware of a massive complex of tunnels under their own building. Just ignore those fellows in the black balaclavas carrying rockets and hostages through the office.

Oh, and don’t ask why the lights keep flickering.

Israeli officials said the compound below the UNRWA building appeared to have run on electricity drawn from the UN’s power supply and asserted the organisation would have been aware of the complex, either during its construction or by a jump in electricity usage when it started operating.

The Australian

Oh, but they knew nuzzink, of course.

Not the sort of thing you tend to miss, when you’re looking for the stationary supplies cupboard. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.
