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As recently revealed, while PM Anthony Albanese is publicly down the push for an Aboriginal Treaty and reparations, behind the scenes, the party’s national conference is red hot for both. Similarly, while Labor promised during the election campaign to maintain Australia’s strict border control, party activists are relentlessly pushing to dismantle Coalition-era border protection. Again.

On another issue, too, Labor’s “faceless men” radicals have won another dark victory. Quietly pandering to the anti-Semitic hard-left, the Albanese government has dumped a key policy on Israel.

The Australian government will reinstate the term “Occupied Palestinian Territories”, vowing to strengthen its objections to “illegal” Israeli settlements before next week’s Labor party national conference.

And they’re not done yet.

Some delegates at the national conference in Brisbane are expected to agitate for the party to take a stronger position and commit to a timeframe to recognise Palestinian statehood.

The government has given no indication it is ready to go that far, but has signalled a return to more forthright language about the occupation.

In other words, it will go that far, just not publicly. Not yet.

And the backroom sure has a bug up its arse about them Joos.

In a sign of internal concerns, it was the second time members of caucus have raised questions about Israel in two weeks.

So, not China, where a very real genocide is ongoing. To the contrary, the government is cravenly kowtowing to the brutal communist dictatorship. The government and big business lickspittles were cock-a-whoop this week that China has deigned to drop its bullying sanctions on Australian barley. Now, they’re crawling harder, trying to get the ban on Australian wine overturned.

These people are as gutless as they are stupid.

And they have a relentless hate-boner for the Jewish state.

Penny Wong also indicated that the government would return to the position of previous governments of explicitly referring to the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
When asked by the Coalition to explain the precise boundaries, Wong said the stance was in line with UN security council resolutions. She said it also matched “the approach taken by key partners including the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and the European Union”.

Because those are just the governments you want to take your moral cues from.

The government is saucing its snub to Israel with a heaping helping of hypocrisy.

Wong said the Australian government had engaged with the Israeli ambassador on the issue because it remained “a committed friend of Israel”.

They just like the Jew-haters who spend all their time and energy, not building schools and hospitals but making rockets to launch at Israeli civilians, better.

The opposition, at least, isn’t buying it.

The Coalition’s foreign affairs spokesperson, Simon Birmingham, decried Tuesday’s announcement.

He said it had “everything to do with managing factional differences ahead of the Labor national conference and nothing to do with advancing a lasting two-state outcome”.

In 2018 and 2021 Labor’s national conference backed a resolution that “supports the recognition and right of Israel and Palestine to exist as two states within secure and recognised borders” and “calls on the next Labor government to recognise Palestine as a state”.

The Guardian

Back then, the Australian Jewish News wrote that:

The test of friendship isn’t one of always agreeing, but true friendship does rely on always showing respect.

In recent days the Albanese Labor government has, sadly, shown nothing but disrespect for our Israeli friends […]

Contrary to their pre-election reassurances, the Albanese government has taken significant steps to reduce Australia’s support for Israel and, it appears, is likely to take further steps too.

Australian Jewish News

How right they were.
