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Labor’s Big, Fat Fail on Energy

Because doing more of what’s already sent electricity prices soaring is going to work… eventually. And socialism will work next time. These people are barking.

As Australians face the added burden of yet another rise in already-soaring electricity prices, their misery is compounded by new data that shows all the pain has been for nothing. Add to that, yet another broken promise by the Albanese government.

Anthony Albanese promised, nearly 100 times, to lower household electricity bills. Instead, they’ve risen between 25 and 50 per cent – with another 10 per cent rise imminent. Even that, the regulator admits, is a political fix that’s well below the actual rise in generation costs.

What is the point of all this pain? According to the starry-eyed claims of Labor’s ‘Climate Change and Energy Minister’ Chris Bowen, it is ‘saving the planet’ by lowering Australia’s one per cent contribution to global carbon dioxide emissions.

But that’s a bust, too.

Labor will fail to meet key targets from the energy policy it took to the 2022 election, energy experts say, after the party removed a link to the modelling from its website that underpins its pledge to lower carbon emissions by 43 per cent of 2005 levels by 2030.

So it’s all been for nothing. Who’d have thought this was a Labor government policy?

Leading energy expert Bruce Mountain said the Powering Australia Plan modelling commissioned by Labor was “not worth the paper it was written on”, with the Albanese government on track to fail in its pledge to lower electricity prices by $275 by 2025, to generate 82 per cent of power by renewables by 2030 and create hundreds of thousands of jobs because of access to “abundant, cheap electricity”.

Well, you can have, abundant, cheap electricity, or you can have ‘82 per cent of power by renewables’. You can’t have both. It’s an iron rule observed everywhere, contrary to the confidently wrong predictions of ‘experts’, that the more ‘renewables’ the higher the electricity prices.

The only graph you need to see about ‘renewables’. The Good Oil.

But confidently wrong predictions are Labor’s stock-in-trade.

Experts have also dismissed the document’s claim that Labor’s policies would lead to electric cars making up 89 per cent of new car sales by 2030, while casting doubt on green hydrogen contributing to emissions reductions by the end of the decade with a sector workforce of nearly 1000 […]

Nearly a year before the 2022 election, Anthony Albanese told the Australian his energy policy would see central and north Queensland become a manufacturing powerhouse in a low carbon economy, with Labor’s modelling claiming that more than 300,000 jobs would be created because of lower electricity costs.

What did he think the jobs would be? Catching all the flying pigs?

Even lefty think tanks are admitting that Labor is just full of it.

Grattan Institute director of energy Tony Wood said he “couldn’t see how you could get those numbers” when Labor took ownership of the modelling conducted by RepuTex before the 2022 election. “Governments that promise to reduce your power bills are making a foolish political mistake,” he said.

Labor is fast disappearing evidence of its own lies.

The ALP website retains broad information about its pre-2022 election commitments, including its pledge to lower electricity ­prices by $275 by this year.

But the link to the full analysis by RepuTex diverts to a web page saying “the page you were looking for was not found”.

The lies and obvious bullshit, though, keep coming thick and fast from the credentialled idiots of the ‘expert’ class. Especially when they stand to reap yet more fortunes from continuing the lies.

Renewables groups are expected to campaign against the Coalition’s energy plan at the election, with the Clean Energy Council claiming household bills will be 30 per cent more expensive if there was a slowdown in rolling out wind and solar generation.

Yeah, right. Because doing more of what’s already sent electricity prices soaring is going to work… eventually.

And socialism will work next time.

These people are barking.

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