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Yet another scandal is blowing up in Labor’s face. The BFD.

The definition of insanity is said to be doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Which raises the question: are Australia’s politicians barking mad?

After all, as I’ve written before, they keep trying on the same thing – idiotic, media-driven, Canberra-bubble scandals – and expecting that, this time, it’s not going to end up blowing up in all of their faces.

Travel rorts, dual citizenship, sex scandals: every time, one side of politics thinks it’s got an iron-clad gotcha on the other side. Then, like a Looney Tunes cartoon character, they suddenly find themselves with black powder all over their faces and their beaks on backwards.

When the Australian left and their media attack dogs started running a whisper campaign about decades-old rape allegations against Attorney-General Christian Porter, the first name that came to many minds was Bill Shorten. Now, it seems, another anonymous historic rape allegation chicken is coming home to roost for Labor.

The opposition has referred to the Australian Federal Police an anonymous historical sexual ­assault alle­gation concerning a senior Labor figure.

The fact Labor has been forced to refer the complaint, which it believes is not credible and is politically motivated, highlights how all manner of allegations against political figures can be weaponised in the current, febrile Canberra climate. It also shows how unsubstantiated claims are likely to receive greater political and police attention than previously.

Well, this is the world that the self-righteous hypocrites of the left have created. Like Robespierre, they’re finding out that today’s inquisitor is as likely to be next on the guillotine.

The Australian understands the Labor figure at the centre of the allegation categorically dismisses the claim as false and ­vexatious. The allegation was made in writing over the past month in an anonymous letter purportedly by a person claiming to have been sexually assaulted three decades ago.

In other words, exactly the same standard as they’ve used to hound Porter.

Oh, but it’s different when it’s them.

The Australian understands the Labor figure self-referred the unnamed letter to the AFP, following protocol, but views it as completely false, non-credible and politically motivated[…]

The Labor figure has not identified themself publicly and has not made a public statement that they are the subject of a historical allegation.

It was only weeks ago that Labor were shrilly demanding that the then-unnamed Coalition politician “out” himself. They’re not in such a hurry to out one of their own.

Mr Albanese declined to comment on the new allegation.

The Labor figure who is the subject of the allegations is not former leader Bill Shorten.

The Australian

So there are at least two accused rapists on the Opposition benches.

Do you still #BelieveWomen, Albo?
