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Labour Admits It Tried to Put an Anti-Semite in Number 10

Jezza approves. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

UK Labour has finally admitted what has been common knowledge for years: the party is riddled with anti-Semitism – all the way to the very top. In a stunning move, the party has suspended the most recent leader to lead it into a general election, Jeremy Corbyn.

Former leader Jeremy Corbyn has been suspended from UK Labour for downplaying a damning report into anti-Semitism within the party.

Mr Corbyn became the first Labour leader to be suspended and the whip removed when he claimed the anti-Semitic accusations within the Labour Party had been “dramatically overstated for political reasons”.

Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he? In fact, as the investigation found, Corbyn himself repeatedly interfered with internal complaints regarding anti-Semitism.

The commission found that Labour had harassed, discriminated and politically interfered with Jews over the past four years, which coincided with Mr Corbyn’s leadership.

It said there was a lack of leadership within the Labour Party which was hard to reconcile with its stated commitment to a zero-tolerance approach to anti-Semitism. It revealed there were complaints of anti-Semitism lodged against Mr Corbyn and a dozen other Labour MPs[…]

The commission looked at 70 anti-Semitism complaints and found that 23 showed signs of political interference by Mr Corbyn’s office or others.

The commission said Labour broke the laws of equality on two occasions, one involving the former London mayor Ken Livingstone who used anti-Semitic tropes and suggested that complaints of anti-Semitism were fake or smears back in 2016.

Yet, still Corbyn and his odious followers insist that they ain’t no racists.

“I’ve fought racism all my life, and I’ll fight racism for the rest of my life,” he said[…]Momentum, the grassroots party whose members won Mr Corbyn the leadership, said on Twitter: “We know that @jeremycorbyn is a lifelong, dedicated anti-racist.”

Strange as it may seem, Corbyn and his cronies probably mean it. Firstly, the left are so far up their own arses with the delusion of their own unimpeachable moral goodness that they sincerely believe that they cannot be racist, no matter what. Whatever it is the left chooses to believe, by definition (they assume) it must be “anti-racist”.

Secondly, in order to maintain this delusion, they’ve constructed the unconvincing dodge that their Jew-hating isn’t “anti-Semitism”, it’s “anti-Israel”. While it goes without saying that criticism of Israel’s policies is not intrinsically anti-Semitic, the mainstream leftist attacks on Israel long ago sailed over the cliff of outright Jew-hating.

But the Equalities and Human Rights Commission report into anti-Semitism in the Labour Party released on Thursday marked a “day of shame” according to the current Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer.

The 130-page report found significant failings in the way the Labour Party has handled complaints of anti-Semitism.

During 2019, accusations of anti-Semitism within the Labour Party were a key issue in the general election.

And that’s the real problem, isn’t it? The party – its new leadership, at least – might finally be prepared to send Corbyn on his way with a flea in his ear, but last year the party was fully prepared to put an anti-Semite into Number 10.

Think about that: one of the world’s leading nations, a member of the UN Security Council, run by a man, just months later, denounced by his own party as a Jew-hater.

UK Labour has a long way to go yet, to redeem itself.

Jezza approves. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

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