The second method by which the socialists achieve their aims is by packaging their leaders as ‘moderate’.
The final destination for the left, its proper raison d’être if you will, is that of Trotsky and Lenin. But the Bolsheviks didn’t win elections. Although the result of our last election was, to paraphrase Sir Roger Douglas, a bloodless coup, actual bloody revolution has been generally ruled out by socialists in the West since the war.
Labour leaders embody socialist values – and always will – but need to appear ‘centrist’ in order to grow their support base.
Anthony Blair sold himself as such in his ‘modern man’ speech prior to the 1997 UK general election, following which, he took office. ‘I am a modern man,’ he said. ‘I am part of the rock and roll generation – the Beatles, colour TV, that’s the generation I come from.’
By equating himself with popular culture and contemporary music, Blair made himself appear as agreeable as George and as fun-loving as Ringo. Though in reality his ego was as big as Paul’s and his totality was anything but commonplace – a bit like John.
Blair’s Labour government surpassed even Attlee’s in its radical transformation of British society. The Britain which came before is almost unrecognisable from the Britain which came after.
Blair worked tirelessly to have the UK subsumed within the European Union. The landscape of towns was transformed by a relentless pursuit of globalist, open door immigration. The stranger the culture the more it was welcomed, and anyone disagreeing with this ‘enrichment’ was ‘bigoted’.
Blair and Brown of course transformed the education system by dumbing it down, irreparably damaged the Union through parliamentary ‘devolution’, and gave a legacy common to the left of crippling national debt.
Anyone who says Blair was on the ‘right’ of British Labour is deluded. He was just well marketed.
The main changes he presided over are difficult to precisely pinpoint because they are social rather than institutional. He and his spin doctors stayed up all night to coin the duplicitous phrase ‘people’s princess’ on the death of Diana Wales. Appearing deliberately dishevelled, and with a tear in his eye, his staged announcement unleashed a national grief-fest of wailing and moaning never before seen in the nation’s history.
The BBC portrayed this outpouring of emotion – with teenagers shrieking by the roadside, people throwing flowers at a hearse – as ‘normal’, and anyone who did not feel exactly this way was shamed. Diana was, in reality, a low-IQ narcissist, and anyone who is that much into Elton John has to have something wrong with them.
Peter Hitchens has famously contrasted the Diana funeral debacle of 1997 with the calm, respectful and appropriately sombre Churchill funeral of 1965 as a mark, not of Britain’s progress (as the ‘progressive’ left would have it), but of its descent.
Jacinda Ardern is, in her charming way, our own ‘people’s princess’.
In her first term, she has wiped out New Zealand’s entire oil and gas industry without so much as a sideways glance. She has also radically revised our gun laws, penalising the law-abiding gun-owning population while not making a dent in the access to illegal weaponry by gangs.
She has promoted the Muslim community while smearing Middle New Zealand over Brenton Tarrant’s atrocity, and she has silenced the moderate majority (dangerously in my view) with charges of ‘racism’.
She has closed down the immigration debate for the next decade. Meanwhile, the ‘refugee’ resettlement programme accelerates. She has fanned the flames of Maori separatism via Ihumatao, the prioritisation of ethnic minorities within the health system, and ‘ethnic exemptions’ to policing.
She is destroying the lives of disadvantaged children by pandering to whanau and preventing Oranga Tamariki from doing its job. She has bestowed upon New Zealand the most radical abortion law in the world, allowing termination on demand up to full term.
Ardern has begun the dismemberment of the criminal justice system and has extended voting rights to (Labour-voting) prisoners.
She has re-legislated the rental housing market in favour of tenants, though she risks actually destroying it. This in itself does not trouble her, as her aim is to move as many people as possible into state sector housing, converting them to inter-generational dependency.
She toyed with us through her tax working group, and just because she wrote off capital gains tax does not mean her successor will. Besides, there are plenty of other ‘rich prick’ taxes she can hit us with – and has. There are ‘no new taxes’, but everywhere you look, tax is up.
Using COVID as a guise, she has locked us up in ‘prison ship’ New Zealand where denied international travel, she intends to embroil us in a cruel social experiment for the next three years.
None of this is moderate. None of it is conservative. The public, high on promised cannabis fumes, have been rocked to sleep and haven’t yet awoken to the voice that’s crying in the wilderness. They have been lied to and coerced.
Philosopher Roger Scruton likened conservatism to the lamentations of Jeremiah in recalling that which is lost. Conservatism is also about preserving our common, foundational values as items of worth to be passed on to future generations.
The new ‘progressive’ socialism, with its irrepressible desire to demolish and rebuild, is the diametrical opposite of conservatism.
What’s more, Jacinda Ardern is no ‘ordinary’ person. That her fish and chip shop internship is held aloft as proof she once ‘worked’ is arresting evidence of how aloof and elitist this ‘leader’ actually is.
She is a globalist en route to the UN, who takes pleasure in dismantling the New Zealand edifice brick by brick. Even the ‘small’ things, like the removal of our Christian prayer from parliament, have enormous significance for her – and betray her true agenda.
Jacinda Ardern in her nakedness is a radical wrecker, and it is only the deceptive cloak of kindness which conceals her tyrannical form. Her disregard for the common and foundational values of the past means that she cannot come close to being a conservative.
To the contrary, she will be shaking the nation’s foundations before long, as she dances on the grave of decency.
This, in the eyes of a ‘centrist’ and ‘balanced’ Legacy media (see Part 1) is something most will be fine with. Those who aren’t can just take another toke on their marijuana cigarettes before toddling off to the doctor’s for the ‘treatment’ to end all treatments.
Be grateful, at least, that she’s giving you an out clause.
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