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Labour-led Government Accused of RACISM

racism reverse racism

Pass the popcorn someone, please. It is so delicious watching the left eating its own. Yesterday a press release from the activist group Love Aotearoa Hate Racism contained the following accusations:

The Migrant Workers Association and Love Aotearoa Hate Racism have called a rally on Sunday, November 3 at 2.30pm in Aotea Square, Auckland, to condemn the recent racist comments made by the government minister and NZ First MP Shane Jones.
When Jones tells the Indian community to “tame down your rhetoric, you have no legitimate expectations in my view to bring your whole village to New Zealand and if you don’t like it and you’re threatening to go home – catch the next flight home,” he is using the same racist dog whistle as US President Donald Trump.
When he says, “Indians moving to New Zealand should learn to adapt”, like MAori who “adapted with the arrival of the PAkehA?”, he is approving the racist colonialism imposed on Maori.

I beg your bloody pardon? ” Racist Colonialism imposed on Maori”? Don’t you just love how immigrants to New Zealand who know nothing about our Historical past feel free to spout this ignorant rhetoric? New Zealand’s past is one to be proud of. The way that Maori were treated was extremely progressive for the time and yes, I do know what I am talking about. I studied NZ History at high school and at university where I graduated with a degree in English and History and then went on to become an English and History teacher.

These comments also come in the wake of a series of racist policies being adopted by the Labour-Green-NZ First government.

Don’t you just love the hyperbole? Racist policies from a Progressive, Socialist government? Pull the other one love, no one is ever going to buy what you are selling but wait…there’s more…

Many New Zealand citizens, residents and temporary visa migrants are suffering as result of the fact that now:
Only the rich can afford to sponsor their parents for a residence visa
Unnecessary visa processing delays keep families apart
Dodgy offshore education agents continue to sell pipe dreams to international students
Bonding work visas to employers promotes migrant workers’ exploitation
Tens of thousands work visa holders face uncertainty going from one temporary visa to another for 5 or more years

Um …I am not seeing any racism there. Maybe I am looking through the wrong kind of a lense?

We demand:

1) a public apology from Shane Jones

2) visa processing delays for partnership-based visas should be minimised urgently

3) offshore education agents should be regulated
4) bonded labour should be stopped by detaching work visas from employers
5) individuals on work visas already in New Zealand for 5 or more years should be given a one-off work to residence pathway
6) the income requirements for sponsors under the Parent Visa Category should be removed
