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climate activists glued to road

Sir Bob Jones

Ever since socialist ideology was buried in the 1980s by the near universal adoption of market economies, culminating at the decade’s end in the Soviet Union’s collapse, embittered left ideologues have resorted to language reinvention to mask their personal inadequacies as ongoing collective aspirations.

Initially, this followed a disastrous television interview with Dame Cath Tizard following her appointment as Governor General.  “I remain a proud socialist”, she grandly told the interviewer, who then asked what she meant by socialism.

For 5 minutes Cath railed away about what she didn’t mean but viewers never learnt what she did, doubtless because she didn’t know. It simply sounded trendy.

Thereafter, socialist was replaced by the vacuous term “social democrat”. Jacinda used it frequently. But what does it mean? No user of it has ever been able to explain.

The most amusing language abuse by these lefty types is “activist” usually applied to protesters lying about in groups, holding signs complaining about this or that. Their major characteristic is inactivity.

The current fashionable ludicrously dishonest term these losers use to smother their now unfashionable “socialism” is “progressive”. Nothing could be more inaccurate. Collectivists are literally the very opposite of progressive; rather they’re ultra regressive, seeking to resurrect tried and failed big government statist policies of yesteryear.

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