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Disability Rights Commissioner, Paula Tesoriero MNZM

Sir Bob Jones

In a laughably inane article in the Dominion-Post, Paula Tesoriero, who apparently fills a role of Disability Commissioner, wrote,

“I want to unpick why people may want to distance themselves from the words “disability” or “disabled”. You see in doing so it suggests there is something wrong with my community”.

Disability Rights Commissioner, Paula Tesoriero MNZM

Yes Paula, there is something wrong with them you goose. They’re disabled.

Telling readers that the disabled face problems because of society’s alleged prejudice towards them is ludicrous. Regardless of society’s imagined prejudicial attitude, a legless man, no matter how well society treats him, remains legless, or in other words disabled, that is with something wrong with him.

It is that reality that creates problems for him and not a fictitious social prejudice.


In the same issue a Mikaela Wilkes wrote a story about a young woman’s efforts to buy a house.

Apparently she contracted to buy one from a developer who using a sunset clause, exploiting rising values, cancelled the contract. The developer then relisted it, according to Mikaela (brace yourself) “for $90,000 more than what she (the young woman) had paid”.

No Mikaela, you goose. She’d paid nothing failing which she’d own the place.

She’d contracted to buy it which is a vast difference from paying for it. This sort of slop says everything about our regrettably dying print media.

Three decades back when at their peak, newspapers employed competent sub-editors who picked this sort of illiteracy up.

Then again, three decades back they also employed competent journalists who didn’t write such careless slop.

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