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Latest Batgirl Movie: A Woke Flop

What Batgirl is supposed to look like.

Well, what do you know, another woke version of a fictional character has hit the dust.

Hollywood film studio Warner Bros. has decided against releasing its latest DC Comics superhero movie, Batgirl, despite already spending over $70 million on production.

Tuesday’s decision to shelve the film and not release it at theaters or on streaming platforms comes as audiences at test screenings were reportedly not receptive of the movie, which cast actress Leslie Grace as the Caped Crusader’s female counterpart.

“Those tests were said to be so poorly received by moviegoers that the studio decided to cut its losses and run, for the sake of the brand’s future,” the New York Post reports, based on info from an inside source. “It’s a DC disaster.”

[…] Variety reports Zaslav began reversing decisions by previous Warner Bros CEO Jason Kilar, who wanted to focus on releasing films on the streaming service HBO Max. When Zaslav took over he reportedly committed to “releasing first-run feature films in theaters before putting them on HBO Max”.

Batgirl found itself on the bad end of that decision,” Variety reports, “apparently neither big enough to feel worthy of a major theatrical release nor small enough to make economic sense in an increasingly cutthroat streaming landscape.”

[…] Meanwhile, rumors swirl the movie was killed so the studio could claim it as a giant tax write-off.

However, there’s another reason the project may have been an abysmal failure: the movie’s insistence on shoving woke propaganda down audiences’ throats.

In January it was revealed DC would cast trans actor Ivory Aquino as Alysia Yeoh, “the best friend of the titular superhero, aka Barbara Gordon (Leslie Grace)”, Variety reports.

The casting decision is believed to be part of a concerted effort by comic book studios in both television and film to be more inclusive to the LGBT community.

[…] Users on social media also complained the studio “race swapped” Batgirl, casting a Latina actress to play the character typically seen as white in comic books, yet another nod to the inclusive liberal woke agenda. For instance, actress Alicia Silverstone played Batgirl in 1997’s Batman and Robin.

In the comic books, Batgirl is a white redhead. In the movie she’s somehow turned into a Latina. And her best friend is now a tranny, which I’m sure wasn’t in the comics.

What gets me, is how it’s always one way. How many non-white, I mean “people of colour”, characters do you know of that have been rebooted as white?

The film’s cancellation seems to be proving a popular adage: Get woke, go broke.
