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Law Students Encounter the Law of FAAFO

The BFD. Photo by Mason Kimbarovsky on Unsplash

Seems like a whole bunch of lefty university students are about to find out what happens when you, ah, fool around, to put it politely. Especially Ivy League law students.

A number of large law firms have already signalled their increasing reluctance to hire graduates from Harvard, Yale and Princeton. Mostly because a generation raised to believe that I Am Special and ‘words are violence’ aren’t going to be much use in a courtroom. These are students who not only cannot formulate a rational argument, but who fly into rages and tears when they encounter a view that opposes their own.

And now they’re outing themselves as hateful anti-Semites.

Leftist students at various prominent American universities blamed Israel for the savage attacks it suffered at the hands of Hamas terrorists over the weekend.

Now, they’re entering the ‘find out’ stage.

Four days into the war, in which over 1,000 Israelis and at least 22 Americans have been killed, some students are now waking up to the prospect that in their rush to denounce Israel and equate the mass murder of civilians by Islamist militants to “resistance,” they may have jeopardized their future career plans. Others have already begun to reap the whirlwind.

Ryna Workman, the president of the New York University Student Bar Association, refers to herself as a gendered plurality and claims to be “nonbinary.” She recently made clear to her comrades that she believed the terrorism perpetuated by Hamas on civilians was “necessary.”

The Blaze

What’s not necessary, as far as some law firms are concerned, is giving a job to a terrorism-supporting Jew-hater.

Winston & Strawn LLP announced that it had withdrawn Workman’s employment offer on X. “These comments are profoundly in conflict with Winston & Strawn’s values as a firm,” it wrote. “Winston stands in solidarity with Israel’s right to exist in peace and condemns Hamas and the violence and destruction it has unleashed in the strongest possible terms.”

It added: “Our hearts go out to our Jewish colleagues, their families, and all those affected.”


It appears more firms are taking more notice of the pro-Hamas letter than its signatories may have wanted. Executive Bill Ackman has posted on X:

I have been asked by a number of CEOs if @harvard would release a list of the members of each of the Harvard organizations that have issued the letter assigning sole responsibility for Hamas’ heinous acts to Israel, so as to insure that none of us inadvertently hire any of their members.

If, in fact, their members support the letter they have released, the names of the signatories should be made public so their views are publicly known.

One should not be able to hide behind a corporate shield when issuing statements supporting the actions of terrorists, who, we now learn, have beheaded babies, among other inconceivably despicable acts.


More CEOs are coming on board.

At least a dozen business executives have endorsed Bill Ackman’s call to deny hiring members of student groups at Harvard who signed on to a letter blaming Israel for Hamas’ deadly attack on Saturday that killed more than 1,200 people, including at least 22 Americans.

Jonathan Newman, the CEO of salad chain Sweetgreen, was among a group of business honchos who seconded Ackman in urging that the signatories of the letter circulated by the a coalition of 34 Harvard student groups who “hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.”

“I would like to know so I know never to hire these people,” Newman wrote in response to Ackman’s post on X on Tuesday.

“Same,” David Duel, CEO of healthcare services firm EasyHealth, wrote in response to Newman.


But the campus Jew-hating is far from confined to the US Ivy League. Australia’s ‘sandstone’ elite universities are no slouches at producing pro-terror hateful idiots, either.

Jewish students say anti-Israel material being distributed on university campuses following the Hamas attacks is deeply distressing and has led to students hiding their Jewish identity, as one of Australia’s biggest student bodies declared it “stands in solidarity with Palestine”.

The University of Sydney Student Representative Council on Wednesday urged students to “stand against oppression … until Palestine is free”.

Earlier this week, the SRC promoted the Sydney Rally for a Free Palestine.

The Australian

You know: the one where they chanted “Gas the Jews” and “Allahu akbar”.

Would you want to employ one of these hateful dropkicks?
