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Leading Black Intellectual Hammers Leftist Academics

Walter E. Williams. The BFD.

A recent Pew survey has proven what most of us had already gathered just by watching the news: the vast bulk of Black Lives Matter and Antifa activists, and the Cancel Culture bully mobs, are pasty-white lefties.

Meanwhile, a growing number of prominent black Americans are taking exception to the left’s ever-more obvious extremism. Actor Terry Crews and sportsman Kareem Abdul-Jabbar have spoken out against its racism and anti-Semitism. Academic Thomas Sowell has denounced the entire rhetoric of “systemic racism” as reminiscent of “the propaganda tactics of Joseph Goebbels during the age of the Nazis”.

Now, distinguished economics professor Walter E. Williams is speaking out against Cancel Culture, “stupid college ideas”, and the despicable behaviour of academics.

The Michigan State University administration pressured professor Stephen Hsu to resign from his position as vice president of research and innovation because he touted research that found police are not more likely to shoot black Americans[…]For political reasons, the authors of the study sought its retraction.

The U.S. Department of Education warned UCLA that it may impose fines for improperly and abusively targeting white professor Lt. Col. W. Ajax Peris for disciplinary action over his use of the n-word while reading to his class Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” that contained the expressions “when your first name becomes “nigger,” your middle name becomes “boy” (however old you are). Referring to white civil rights activists King wrote, “They have languished in filthy, roach-infested jails, suffering the abuse and brutality of policemen who view them as ‘dirty nigger-lovers.’”

The further colleges go down the rabbit-hole of leftist intolerance, the more stupid and vicious they become.

Boston University is considering changing the name of its mascot Rhett because of his link to Gone with the Wind.

Almost 4,000 Rutgers University students signed a petition to rename campus buildings Hardenbergh Hall, Frelinghuysen Hall and Milledoler Hall because these men were slave owners.

University of Arkansas students petitioned to remove a statue of J. William Fulbright because he was a segregationist who opposed the Brown v. Board of Education that ruled against school segregation.

As Williams notes, this is not a new or passing fad of the left. On the contrary, it has an ugly and destructive history, from Galileo to Lysenko.

The suppression of free speech and ideas by the elite is nothing new. It has a long ugly history[…]

Much of today’s totalitarianism, promotion of hate and not to mention outright stupidity, has its roots on college campuses. Sources that report on some of the more egregious forms of the abandonment of free inquiry, hate and stupidity at our colleges are: College Reform and College Fix.

Like Sowell, Williams is incensed by the racist pejorative, “white privilege”.

The public has recently been treated to the term — white privilege. Colleges have long held courses and seminars on “whiteness.” One college even has a course titled “Abolition of Whiteness.”

According to some academic intellectuals, whites enjoy advantages that nonwhites do not. They earn higher income and reside in better housing, and their children go to better schools and achieve more.

Based on that idea, Asian Americans have more white privilege than white people. And, on a personal note, my daughter has more white privilege than probably 95% of white Americans.

From academia, college stupidity and bigotry has bubbled up into the Legacy media.

Don Lemon, a CNN anchorman, said, “We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them.”

Apparently the hypocrisy of demanding a stop to demonising people – and then immediately demonising the largest racial group in America is beyond Lemon’s cognitive abilities.

As George Orwell said, “Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.” If the stupid ideas of academic intellectuals remained on college campuses and did not infect the rest of society, they might be a source of entertainment — much like a circus.

That’s the problem when the performing monkeys start flinging their poo from between the bars of their cages: the screeching is deafening and everyone gets shit on them.

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