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Leaners Driving Out the Lifters on Campus

The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The leaners sure hate the lifters. Australian rock group This Is Serious Mum once described a proposed tour of a Melbourne “Arts” festival, where busloads of Melbournians from the suburbs would be slowly driven along St. Kilda Boulevard, where hundreds of the city’s most cutting-edge arty types would line up to hurl abuse at them for being ignorant philistines – while they stole their money.

Those who can, do; those who can’t, go to uni and become left-wing activists. And there’s no one the can’t-do mob hate more than the people who will go on to pay the taxes that fund their idleness.

Screaming student protestor. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.
An executive at a major resources company has said young people are being “heckled” at universities if they study mining-related degrees, as Scott Morrison hailed the sector for keeping Australia’s economy ticking during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a briefing with the Prime Minister on the second day of his four-day tour of Queensland, SOUTH32 chief operating officer Jason Economidis said the industry was facing challenges in recruiting young mining engineers because it was “losing the public relations battle”.

“I talk to all of our graduates when we employ them, and what they are suffering is they go to university and get heckled because they are in mining,” he said.

“In the next five years, I think we are going to really struggle because we just aren’t generating enough (graduates).”

Ha! Joke’s on them – in five years, we’ll have “built back better” as a socialist utopia. Instead of a useless mining degree, unemployed engineering graduates can learn to do something really useful, like how to apply for a lifetime’s supply of government grants.

Where will the money come from? Well, duh – the government, of course. They can always print more: haven’t you heard of Modern Monetary Theory, dumbass?

“This is a generational issue and we have a lot of work to do. When you say to them, OK, let’s walk through the first hour of your day and tell me how much of that you can do without mining? You sleep on a bed and the bed has metal springs, the mattress cover is not made out of steel but it is made in a factory that is made out of steel, and you then turn on the power and walk down the hallway and use copper pipes.”

The Australian

We’ll just make them out of sustainably-grown, heirloom hemp, then.

You eggheads just can’t think outside the box. Just as well we have Gender Studies graduates to save us from economic ruin.

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