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Oluwole Ilesanmi was arrested for preaching the Bible. The BFD.

As Britain descends into a dystopian hell-hole not easily distinguishable from Christopher Priest’s bleak 1972 novel, Fugue for a Darkening Island (which beat the more famous Camp of the Saints by a year), every now and then there’s one step forward for every ten goose-steps backwards.

An elderly Christian street preacher who was arrested by UK police for ‘disturbing the peace’ with his “Islamophobic” Christian message has been awarded £2,500 for wrongful arrest.

Remember, this is the country that even authorities admit is plagued by at least 35,000 jihadi fanatics who are free to preach open hate in the mosques and streets. This is also the country where gangs of Pakistani Muslims were left free to gang-rape thousands of white British children for decades, thanks to a culture of blind-eye-turning by police, welfare officials and politicians.

Just don’t wave a Bible around in public.

Oluwole Ilesanmi was preaching outside Southgate tube station in London in February when two Metropolitan Police officers ordered him to stop preaching. When the 64-year-old refused, the officers arrested the elderly preacher, ripping his Bible from his hands, then cuffing his wrists behind his back.

Mr Ilesanmi was accused of “Islamophobia” after he called Islam an ‘aberration’. The arresting officers told the elderly preacher, “Nobody wants to listen to that.” When Mr Ilesanmi asked an officer not to take away his Bible, the officer said, “You should have thought about that before being racist.”

They’re not Thought Police, of course. They just want to police what you think.

Following the arrest, Christian Concern revealed the officers drove Mr Ilesanmi to an unfamiliar location and left him there without any money or means of getting home.

Met Police initially claimed to have walked Mr Ilesanmi approximately 200 metres from the point of arrest, de-arrested and shown to a nearby bus stop, however, they now admit this was false and that Mr Ilesanmi was taken more than four miles from the point of arrest.

Eventually, a member of the public ended up paying for Mr Ilesanmi’s transportation, which he used to travel back to Southgate tube station to continue preaching the good news.
“Ooh! He’s doing it again!” The BFD.
Scotland Yard has admitted Mr Ilesanmi was wrongfully arrested and agreed to pay £2,500 to the elderly preacher.

Which is cold comfort, of course. The whole point of this sort of garbage is that the process is the punishment. The message from British authorities is clear: Christians are no longer welcome in this cursed plot, this earth, this ummah, this Britainstan.

Christian preacher Brian Overd was arrested in 2018 for “challenging homophobia – you were challenging Muslims”. The BFD.

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