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I guess we really shouldn’t be surprised. Colin Craig is going to continue his legal harassment of Rachel MacGregor using the courts to continue his wonky jihad to attempt to clear his name:

Former Conservative Party leader Colin Craig will appeal a High Court decision that ruled he sexually harassed his former press secretary for years.

The finding from Justice Hinton on September 19, said Craig’s letters  to Rachel MacGregor, in the run up to the 2014 general election, were  “highly inappropriate” for an employer to send an employee and had  “clear sexual content”.

Craig’s letters, texts, and comments were unwelcome to MacGregor from  early 2012 onwards, and the sexual harassment covered a period of  approximately two and a half years, the judge found.

The ruling came after MacGregor and Craig counter-sued each other for defamation at the High Court at Auckland.

This is the third time a judge has ruled that he sexually harassed Rachel MacGregor. He’s appealed all of them and so far has got nowhere.

Colin Craig needs to stop. Seriously, this is just sick. He also needs to research Oscar Wilde v. The Marquess of Queensberry. In trying to prove that the Marquess of Queensberry had defamed him by calling him a sodomite, Wilde had the case actually prove it was true and it ended up bankrupting him.

In his opening speech for the defence, Carson announced that he had  located several male prostitutes who were to testify that they had had  sex with Wilde. On the advice of his lawyers, Wilde dropped the  prosecution. Queensberry was found not guilty, as the court declared  that his accusation that Wilde was “posing as a Somdomite  [sic]” was justified, “true in substance and in fact”.Under the Libel Act 1843,  Queensberry’s acquittal rendered Wilde legally liable for the  considerable expenses Queensberry had incurred in his defence, which  left Wilde bankrupt.

Colin Craig needs to give up his lawfare and leave everyone alone. I suggest he returns to playing with his soldiers in his man cave. No one wants to see or hear from him ever again.
