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Erasing the Australian identity to make way for the glorious Marxist utopia. The BFD. Photoshop: Lushington Brady.

You can always tell when it’s January in Australia: the Christmas-New Year limbo starts to dissipate, the summer heat starts to ramp up, the first bushfires start to set the climate alarmists off…and the annual Festival of Leftist Pissing and Moaning kicks off.

The highlight act of this annual dreary carnival of complaining is Australia Day. Every year, the same looney activists and taxpayer-funded lefties tweet their little tweets and shake their little fists and screech about “Invasion Day”.

But this year, they’ve been given an extra kick along by none other than Australia’s “conservative” prime minister.

When Morrison single-handedly altered the Australian national anthem, not only was it redundant and frankly hypocritical but, I warned, it would open yet another wedge for the left. If Morrison thought that the left would finally be appeased by the anthem change, he was deluding himself.

Sure enough…

She backed the anthem change, now Berejiklian should right a wrong on the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

The new Harbour BridgeClimb experience in collaboration with the Sydney Festival is fantastic and long overdue: the first Indigenous storytelling bridge climbing tour, led by Indigenous guides.

I’ll leave it to you, dear reader, to ponder the reaction to a “white bridge climbing tour”, led by white-only guides. Instead, consider the dizzying speed with which the left have moved to exploit Morrison’s well-intentioned foolishness. Barely had Morrison issued his press release than leftists were clamouring for more, more, more.

The Premier […should] gently change protocol and replace the NSW flag atop the Harbour Bridge with the Aboriginal flag, to fly alongside the national one.

So, the state flag, representing 8 million citizens of NSW regardless of race, creed or colour should be replaced with one which purports to represent just 250-odd thousand, solely on the basis of race (I won’t say “colour”, as almost certainly the majority of NSW’s “Aborigines” are notably pale-faced).

Why should Gladys Berejiklian #KeepTheFlagUp after Australia Day?

It’d be a powerful symbol to show that Indigenous lives matter – the Australian breakaway of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Which, as its fact-lite campaign about “indigenous deaths in custody” shows, is as immune to reason and statistics as the American conspiracy theory it so slavishly apes.

And Berejiklian herself says, such symbolism is powerful.

Sydney Morning Herald

Indeed it is – although not in the way the white-guilt-ridden author probably suspects.

Flying the Aboriginal flag permanently would signal to all the world with eyes to see that Australia’s left is passionately committed to an Aboriginal ethnostate and the imported, racist ideology of intersectionality.

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