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Left-Wing Parties Fail Their Supporters

The BFD. Cartoon credit SonovaMin


I like to see things ahead of the pack when I can but earlier this year a friend explained something more clearly than I had figured out at that stage.

He pointed out there is something very critical that most people have missed, but which voters in the US, Australia, and to some extent the UK had cottoned onto. Kiwis are still waking up to it.

It is this: Parties on the right are far more supportive of people on lower incomes than are Labour and other left-leaning parties. People who have traditionally voted Labour and for the left-wing have in recent times been deserted by the policies and philosophies of their parties.

Parties on the left have lost their historic roots and have been taken over by ideas that do not work for the people who voted them into office but simply increase the cost of living for them.

Costs under the Labour coalition have rocketed. Think rents, housing, and food for a start. The onerous impositions placed on farming and small to medium businesses add to their cost of operations and must be reflected in prices.

Left-leaning parties have been taken over, and are now owned, by idealistic academics and people who do not come from their working backgrounds; people who do not represent the true roots of their parties.

These leftist parties have become an alt-left movement. They have sold out their members for a pottage of ideas that cost money and seldom work.

Idealism that does not convert to realism is a disaster.

Amongst other things, they have been hijacked by skin-deep green policies. Most green policies are skin-deep because they give costly answers that do not provide the ‘beautiful’ solutions they promise. Shiny answers are not solutions. There are better ways of getting the outcomes than skin-deep green policies. The Greens are not good at coming up with ways of doing things better – in ways that we can afford to pay for, where the benefits outweigh the downside costs and trauma.

The alt-left movement is particularly good at finding things to spend money on but even better at killing off the industries that can produce the money to pay the costly bills.

The BFD. Carnage continues. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

Other political philosophies have better ways of achieving worthy ends. Such as not killing something off until they have something better to put in its place. Something that will not cost the earth and expand debt while stifling progress. Think crushing local coal mining then having to import lesser quality coal at a higher cost as just one example. The list is long.

Every leftist policy and solution we heard at the last election was about throwing money at the mess at the bottom of the cliff. It’s the same again this time.

The problems are not at the bottom of the cliff. They are at the top.

The solutions lie in clearly thought out enduring principles and values and standards and moralities. We need leadership that addresses the causes to reduce the patching up at the bottom of the cliff.

Leftists are far more adept at creating problems they then have to throw money at to fix.

Throwing money-promises at the bottom of the cliff without a sensible policy at the top of the cliff is not making sensible workable policy. It is reckless bribery.

The BFD. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

Dealing with principled values at the top of the cliff would collapse the costs thrown at law and order, education, health, and social welfare at the bottom of the cliff.

With regard to the make-up of the left-wing parties, very few of the members they put in place have ever carried responsibility that qualifies them to be in public office. Their long list of failures and ridiculous decisions is clear evidence of this. It boggles the mind that so many people have been taken in by their hollow rhetoric, thoughtlessly following along like a mob of sheep.

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