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Leftist Religious Bigots Target New Premier

A happy, white, conservative family. The left are literally shaking. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

There’s one bigotry the left-media don’t just tolerate, but actively encourage: anti-Catholicism. The same media who quiver on their knees before Islam, swoon when an Anglican dons a rainbow cassock, and go into positive ecstasies over an Aboriginal smoking ceremony but explode with spittle-flecked fury at the sight of a Catholic. At least, when the Catholic is male and conservative.

The hate-media are already targeting new NSW premier Dominic Perrottet.

A smart young man, married, with children, who hails from the conservative wing of the Liberal Party. He is also a Catholic. And that is enough for a wicked strain of anti-Catholicism to emerge, as some on the left indulge in their favoured blood sport.

Even before he was elected premier this week, the taxpayer-funded leftist propaganda unit ABC was shrieking Perrottet’s religion from the rooftops. Even supposedly sober news programmes grimly opined that Perrottet’s Catholicism “is a problem for women”. (Apparently, of course, it’s no problem that Labor’s Kristina Kenneally and Penny Wong, to name just two, are also Catholics.)

When Malcolm Turnbull ­became prime minister, ABC headlines didn’t focus on his Cath­olicism, presumably because staff members were thrilled their secular Messiah had replaced Tony Abbott. It was the same when Joe Biden, another Catholic, became US President.

It was a different story, though, when fellow Catholic Tony Abbott was first a Howard minister, then prime minister.

After Abbott became prime minister in September 2013, the ABC’s The World Today asked: “So how will Mr Abbott’s Catholicism influence his term as prime minister?” Unlike Turnbull’s Catholicism, Abbott’s faith featured in endless ABC musings about keeping religion out of politics.

Never mind that Abbott explicitly rejected religion dictating politics: “every decision that a politician makes [ …has] got to be publicly justifiable; not only justifiable in accordance with a private view”.

On the other hand, should anyone dare question how a Muslim politician’s religion might influence their politics, the left-media are incandescent with rage.

Even weirder, the left-media smear Perrottet’s Catholicism and PM Scott Morrison’s Pentecostalism as “non-mainstream”, despite the fact that 6 million Australians share their faith. There are about as many Pentecostals as Muslims in Australia. Let’s see the ABC damn Islam as “non-mainstream”.

Even more hypocritical is this, from the Sydney Morning Herald’s Stephanie Dowrick:

“Fundamentalisms vary greatly. What they have in common, though, is a narrowness of conviction that cannot be challenged by logic, evidence or appeals to reason. In private life, this causes sometimes irredeemable rifts between friends or family members. In public life, it drives attitudes and often policies that may be severely at odds with the central demands of democracy.” And: “Fundamentalist thinking is also highly divisive. The world consists of ‘us’ – and the rest of you. High levels of conformity are demanded; to doubt, self-question, is unwelcome or forbidden.”

This, in the same week that Twitter leftists forced senior journalist Jessica Rowe to scrub an interview with Pauline Hanson from her podcast.

Try arguing with a leftist about climate change, Covid, transgenderism, or critical race theory. How is damning an entire race for the colour of their skin any weirder than believing in the Resurrection?

How many leftists even pretend to love their conservative neighbours as they do themselves?

Maybe what upsets the anti-Catholic brigade more than Perrottet’s Catholic faith is that he believes in the family, small government, the dignity of work and lower taxes, traditional values of personal responsibility and freedom. Like his predecessor Gladys Berejiklian, he is not from the numbskull school of kneejerk lockdowns.

The Australian

But, most likely, the left are not so much sectarian anti-Catholic as they are dimly aware that politics is indeed downstream of culture. It’s the culture that Perrottet represents, not the religion, that fuels their foaming hatred. Family, small government, lower taxes, the work ethic, personal responsibility and liberty (Perrottet was a consistent voice for lifting Covid lockdowns, for instance).

Start letting leaders get away with shocking beliefs like that, and the whole leftist jig is up.

A happy, white, conservative family. The left are literally shaking. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

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