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Legacy State Media Outlet Caught Out

1News caught in bias scandal over school lunch story.

Photo by Markus Winkler / Unsplash


A fresh controversy has erupted around state-funded legacy broadcaster 1News, as allegations surface of deliberate bias and misinformation in its reporting on the government’s school lunch programme.

The latest claims, revealed by Newstalk ZB’s Mike Hosking, centre on an Auckland school’s experience during a visit by ACT leader David Seymour.

A letter from a teacher at the school, which Hosking referred to, exposed a stark contrast between what actually happened and what was broadcast by 1News. According to the teacher, students gave balanced feedback about the new school lunches – praising the improved taste while noting that presentation remained lackluster. Their tone was one of appreciation rather than outrage.

However, in its evening bulletin, 1News completely ignored the students’ comments. Instead, it selectively aired only a negative voiceover and a clip of a ‘moaner’ principal from an entirely different school, reinforcing an overwhelmingly critical narrative. The next day, students were reportedly shocked to find that none of their actual remarks had made it to air.

This has led to accusations that 1News deliberately suppressed balanced perspectives because they did not align with its preferred narrative. Critics argue that this fits a wider pattern of legacy state media bias, particularly when it comes to reporting on policies driven by the ACT Party – such as the school lunch programme and the Treaty Principles Bill.

“There is no doubt in my mind,” said Hosking, “that there are those in the media… determined to make a negative story… and they are determined to find whiners and moaners and whingers.”

The incident has reignited calls for an overhaul of taxpayer-funded media, with commentators questioning why the Luxon government continues to tolerate what they see as blatant political interference at TVNZ.

Political commentator The Redbaiter took to social media, stating:

“TV One newsroom caught out presenting an utterly fake news story on school lunches. A letter from a teacher who witnessed the story being filmed exposed the bias and untruths in the report.”

The post went further, suggesting that the newsroom has been infiltrated by “Māori Party sympathisers and TOW (Treaty of Waitangi) activists” with a vested interest in discrediting ACT and undermining its push to redefine Treaty principles.

Critics argue that the editorial slant of 1News is not only politically motivated but also financially unsustainable. TVNZ has been hemorrhaging money for years, with multiple bailout discussions, yet continues to function with impunity.

Voices on the right are increasingly questioning why PM Christopher Luxon and his colleagues are unwilling to take action against what they see as an overtly partisan media entity which is past its use-by-date. Some are calling for immediate defunding or privatisation of the broadcaster.

As public trust in legacy media continues to erode, this latest controversy raises serious questions about journalistic integrity in New Zealand’s state-funded press. If the government does not act, critics warn, 1News will continue to push an agenda rather than report the truth. 1News’ actions “reinforces in people’s minds what’s wrong with the media”, said Hosking.

This article was originally published by the Daily Telegraph New Zealand.


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