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Legal Challenge to Halt the Roll Out of COVID-19 Jab to 5-To-11-Year-Olds in New Zealand

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As public health officials prepared to roll out the Covid-19 jab to children aged 5-to-11 on 17 January, the activist group Voices for Freedom announced its support for a legal challenge that aims to bring the rollout to a halt.

In an email to newsletter subscribers on 9 January, VFF said it was “supporting the filing of urgent legal action challenging the decision to approve the rollout to 5-11-year-olds.”

It was not revealed in the email who was filing the challenge or specifically which parties it was being taken against but it is likely to be an organisation called The Hood, which says it’s working with Voices for Freedom on the case.

The Hood describes itself as “a community of parents, doctors, nurses, academics, scientists, lawyers and concerned others who share a common goal: to make the best decision for our children and young people.” It posted a message on social media calling for people to ask 12-to-18-year-olds to fill out a survey about how their vaccination status has affected them.

The message circulated on Telegram said it was collecting information for an upcoming court case.

“With help and support from Voices for Freedom, we are spearheading an urgent court case to challenge the government’s approval for the Pfizer vaccine for 5-11-year-olds, and the government’s ‘safe and effective’ narrative. We are requesting the government reviews the data and looks at the most up-to-date science that clearly states it is not necessary for children to receive this vaccine, particularly while it’s still in the experimental phases of development.”

According to VFF, high profile international experts Dr Peter McCullough and Dr Tess Lawrie have been engaged, along with top legal counsel.

McCullough is a board-certified cardiologist who has testified before committees of the US and Texas senate on the treatment of covid and management of the outbreak. He has said healthy children should not be given the jab as the percentage of children that die from covid is “minuscule”. He recently appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast to talk about the covid jab and early treatment options for covid patients.

Lawrie is a World Health Organisation consultant, the director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd, and chief executive of EbMCsquared CiC, an independent, not for profit, health-focused think tank based in the United Kingdom. She is also the founder of the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development initiative (now called BiRD International) and a co-founder of World Council for Health.

In June, Lawrie wrote an open letter to the UK’s Medicines and Health Care Regulatory Agency (MHRA) demanding the halt of the mass rollout of covid vaccines after discovering a “high number of covid-19 vaccine-attributed deaths and ADRs [adverse drug reactions] that have been reported via the Yellow Card system.” The Yellow Card system is the UK’s pharmacovigilance tool for reporting adverse reactions to vaccines.

More than half a million doses of the paediatric Pfizer jab have already arrived in New Zealand.

“Our heart breaks for all the children unwittingly participating in this terrible experiment. Still, we are encouraged to hear that for many parents and caregivers, injecting small children with an experimental concoction offering little to no benefit is the line they refuse to cross,” the VFF email said.

As at 16 December the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were monitoring eight cases of myocarditis in 5-to-11-year-olds who had been injected with the Pfizer jab. Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle.

The cases were reported in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and presented by a CDC official to a panel of its vaccine advisers, The Defender reported.

The UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation assessed that the risks to healthy children from the covid vaccine outweigh the benefits at this time.

Last month, a letter from director general of health Dr Ashley Bloomfield, and other public health top brass, was sent to health practitioners, with an urgent update on Covid-19 associated myocarditis and pericarditis.

“This letter is to request you to support us by leading a response in your region, in partnership with primary care, urgent care, pharmacy, and other community organisations and providers. We need to ensure that consumers are well informed of this rare side effect and know when to seek help. We also want to ensure that the health system is poised to diagnose and clinically manage consumers with this condition appropriately,” it said.

The conditions had been established as “rare but serious” side effects of the Pfizer jab, it said, before stating that the reactions were under-reported.

“In New Zealand, the true incidence of vaccine-associated myocarditis is unknown as the onset of symptoms occurs in the first few days after vaccination and is potentially under-reported. However, the overall rate of this event in New Zealand is reported to be around 3 per 100,000 vaccinations.”

VAERS data as at 31 December has more than 1 million reports of adverse reactions, including 21,000 deaths, 10,000 heart attacks, 24,000 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis and 3,500 miscarriages. Open VAERS updates the numbers directly from the VAERS database on a weekly basis for easier public access.

New Zealand drugs regulator Medsafe, as at 4 December, has recorded 127 deaths after covid-19 vaccination, of which only one has been determined to be as a result of the jab, and 340 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis. It added information to Comirnaty data sheet about the safety signal.

16,000 physicians and scientists recently signed a declaration stating that children should not get the covid jab, including Dr Robert Malone, one of the inventors of the MrNA technology used in Pfizer and Moderna injections.

Malone, writing in The Defender on 15 December that there were three issues parents needed to understand. First, that a viral gene would be injected into children’s cells, forcing the child’s body to make toxic spike proteins, which can cause permanent damage in critical organs. Second, the novel technology has not been adequately tested, and scientists would need at least five years to begin to understand the risks. Third, that children pose no danger to their parents or grandparents and that natural immunity from covid in children would assist the world in overcoming the disease. He also gives the information in this video.

Former New York Times and now Independent journalist Alex Berensen, who has extensively covered vaccine injury from the covid jab on his substack, also reported on Christmas day that children have powerful and long-lasting immunity to Sars-Cov-2 after being infected, according to a new peer-reviewed paper in a top scientific journal.

Berensen opined that the study might has well have been called “Don’t let your kid get the covid vaccine”.

“… allowing healthy kids to be infected and recover naturally is likely a far safer route for them than exposing them to mRNA vaccines that have already been proven to cause myocarditis in young people and whose long-term dangers are unknown,” he said.
