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Image credit The BFD. Dr Siouxsie Wiles, Dr Ashley Bloomfield, Dr Michael Baker and Dr Shaun Hendy

Republican congressman, physician and veteran Dr Rich McCormick recently reminded Anthony Fauci he treated Covid patients during the pandemic: Fauci didn’t. Yet, McCormick said, “Despite my education and my training and my experience, my opinions were relegated to conspiracy and misinformation by so-called healthcare experts who had never treated a patient throughout the entire pandemic.”

So-called healthcare experts. If there was one thing not in short supply during the pandemic, it was so-called healthcare experts.

There was the annoyingly omnipresent persistent Prof Michel Baker who proclaimed that masks were a waste of time because you can get Covid though your eyes and then changed his mind and was the key driver for the Governments failed Covid elimination strategy.

There was flamboyant Dr Wiles that the NZ media made in to a Covid star who falsely claimed that she was an epidemiologist and told us that Covid was not airborne.

Professor John Windsor on National TV claiming that hand to face touching is the MAJOR ROUTE for the transmission of Covid and of course Government and paid government modeler Shaun Hendy who forecasted 80,000 deaths in NZ.

Then there’s the grand-daddy of them all, “Wrongo the Clown” himself, Professor Neil Ferguson.

This dangerous loon has made a career out of being repeatedly, absolutely, wrong with devastating consequences. In 2001, Ferguson and his Imperial College team produced modelling on foot and mouth that led to the culling of six million head of livestock, at an estimated cost of £10 billion. Ferguson’s modelling was severely criticised, and characterised as “carnage by computer”.

But Ferguson was far from done.

In 2002, Ferguson predicted that between 50 and 50,000 people would likely die from exposure to BSE (mad cow disease) in beef. He also predicted that number could rise to 150,000 if there was a sheep epidemic as well. 20 years later, there have been just 117 UK deaths from BSE.

In 2005, Ferguson said that up to 200 million people could be killed from bird flu. In 2009, Ferguson and his Imperial team predicted that swine flu had a case fatality rate 0.3 per cent to 1.5 per cent. He modelled a “reasonable worst-case scenario” of 65,000 UK deaths.

In the end swine flu killed 457 people in the UK and had a case fatality rate of just 0.026 per cent. In other words, Ferguson was out by a factor of hundreds.

Despite this track-record of disastrous failure, Ferguson was wheeled out again for Covid modelling. We all know how that went.

The kicker? Ferguson has no qualifications at all in medicine or the biological sciences. He’s a physicist by qualification, yet hailed by the media as “one of the country’s top epidemiologists”.

Which ought to be familiar to New Zealanders. What, after all, did the Labour government’s “experts” all have in common?

They were all University academics and none have worked, as I have done for the past thirty years, working alongside doctors and nurses in the developing world coming up with low-cost solutions to treat respiratory illnesses like covid and Sars.

Together we have come up with low-cost solutions to prevent the spread of Covid in Hospitals and in the absence of high-cost respirators developed innovative CPAP machines which have better clinical outcomes than high cost respirators.

I have been vocal about my science-based concerns regarding the excess death rates in NZ following the Covid Vaccine rollout and the MOH declaring that they are refusing to investigate any relationship between the Covid vaccine rollout and the clear evidence of increased excess deaths in NZ.

LinkedIn/Ray Avery

So, a typical conspiracy theorist, according to the likewise singularly unqualified overlords of the Ministry of Truth. In fact, he’s almost certainly a ‘white supremacist’, or something.
