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Lessons in Dictatorship From the Kiwi Commissar

“One of these days, Jacinda…” The BFD.

The Australian luvvies are besides themselves with delight at the announcement that Prime Minister Scott Morrison has invited his New Zealand counterpart to sit in on cabinet’s COVID-19 discussions. Those of us, however, who have hitherto enjoyed mostly being spared the sight of her smirking, condescending vacuousness are less sanguine.

Australian legal scholar David Flint is even less impressed at the thought of a petty dictator pitching her two cents at the Australian cabinet. Especially should the two governments start comparing notes on how to trample the rule of constitutional law.

By entirely trusting the “anointed” advice of carefully selected medical advisers, writes emeritus professor David Flint, Morrison’s National Cabinet has not just “failed to protect the vulnerable to the high degree necessary”, but it “went beyond the pale in imposing a draconian and wholly unnecessary lockdown”.

By assessing the matter from an essentially constitutional law perspective, Professor Flint concludes:

“In clear breach of the [Australian] constitution as originally intended, the National Cabinet imposed massive and unprecedented debt on the people, unlawfully suspending and destroying jobs, small business and much of the economic life of the nation as well as grotesquely limiting the people’s freedom with something approaching house arrest. The [Australian] people never agreed to this coup, this unconstitutional seizure of power … There was never an emergency which justified the use of such extreme powers”.

Of course, the frightened lemmings will screech about ‘saving lives!’, but the evidence is piling up that this is simply not true. Especially as, as has been exposed, the sole justification for sweeping lockdowns, computer models, is utter garbage.

While people can argue the NZ government were only trying to stamp out the virus, during this crisis it has been patently obvious that such lockdown was used to increase the arbitrary power and control of the State over the citizens[…]Now that zero new cases of death by coronavirus have been registered in New Zealand, new legislation has been hastily passed in the country’s Parliament, allowing police to search homes without warrant and ignoring all concerns for basic rights and freedoms of citizens.

These new laws are so bad that even the impeccably lefty Human Rights Commissioner is raising an eyebrow.

Chief Human Rights Commissioner, Paul Hunt, was not so impressed. He has expressed “deep concerns” about “the lack of scrutiny and rushed process for the Bill”. “This is a great failure of our democratic process. The new legislation … will result in sweeping police powers unseen in this country”, he said.

This is not the first time the Prime Minister of New Zealand has taken advantage of the “pandemic” to use her “extraordinary” powers to introduce legislation devoid of sufficient public consultation. For example, while the population was distracted with dealing with the “pandemic”, her government rushed to introduce “the most extreme abortion law in the world”.

Never let a good crisis go to waste, as Rahm Emanuel said.

Please don’t get me wrong. I am quite happy for both leaders to talk about things. However, I would be quite concerned if the Australian Prime Minister seriously believes that he has anything good to learn from a person who shows no regard for the fundamental rights of every human being, including unwanted babies who are left to die unassisted after a “failed” abortion.

But…the kindness! The compassion! The soaring opinion polls!

So this is how liberty dies…with thunderous applause – Padme Amidala, “Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith”

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