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Let’s Talk about Natural Immunity

Credit: Reuters/Dado Ruvic



“Social media is awash with medical misinformation”, says Stuff NZ. Brittney Deguara, Stuff reporter writes, “reporting disclosure statement: This post was written with expert advice from Dr Nikki Moreland, Auckland University.”

No, you shouldn’t just trust natural immunity to save you from Covid-19 reinfection. Even if you’ve recovered from Covid-19, it’s a good idea to complete your vaccination course to protect you from reinfection, rather than trying to rely solely on immunity brought on by the virus itself.

Stuff 24 August 2022

This is the worst thing that any physician could advise. Vaccination with Pfizer after infection will result in a disastrous immune response including killer lymphocytes [NK cells], complement leukocytes (white blood cells) as well as antibodies all targeted to destroy the person’s own cells that produce the spike protein. This has commonly been the cells lining the blood vessel walls (resulting in clots/strokes and so on), but could be any cells/organs throughout the body, including brain cells.

This BFD article has its own “reporting disclosure statement”: It is written with expert medical advice and laboratory results.

Here is a timeline of a Kiwi nurse, showing her personal immune response to this virus, by determining her antibody levels.

The nurse had her Covid jab on 26. 8. 21.

She paid for her first antibody test, which took place three months later (29.11.21). The result was 27.3 AU/mL, no antibodies. (Anything less than 50 is considered zero antibodies). She has MS and takes an immunosuppressant, but even so, both she and her doctor were very surprised at the low result.

Caught Covid 1.3.22 and had a slight headache and tiredness.

She paid for a second antibody test a month later on the 4.04.22. The result was 1,360.5 AU/mL:

A third antibody test (completed 25.07/22) found a slight drop, but still had 1,238 AU/mL.

The lab results showed a remarkable immune response to this virus. After the jab she was shocked to read she had almost no antibodies. After recovering from the virus, she had high antibody levels.

The nurse said in the beginning of the Covid-19 scare in 2020-2021, she kept asking questions of other medical professionals as well as carrying out significant research to gather facts. As a medical professional working on the front line, she wanted to understand the virus and the treatment she would be recommending to others as well as accepting into her own body.

She was not convinced that having a Covid-19 jab was the best option, but, under enormous pressure from colleagues and others and not wanting to leave a job she loved, she somewhat reluctantly had her first Covid-19 vaccine. Such was her unease she decided to pay privately for an antibody test to check her immune response before having her second jab. Given the results, she will not have any further vaccines for Covid-19.

A UK hospital doctor did not want the jab as he already had antibodies from contracting Covid.

It is of interest that medical research studies are being published confirming that the vaccines are not providing the immunity from Covid-19 or reinfections as promised.

From an Israeli study:

In August 2021 Science Magazine, a peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, highlighted groundbreaking research out of Israel that upended the public health establishment.

The research, which relied on a database enrolling some 2.5 million Israelis and was led by Tal Patalon, head of the KSM Research and Innovation Center at Maccabi Healthcare Services, and deputy Sivan Gazit, found that previous infection from Covid-19 conferred considerably stronger and longer-lasting protection against the Delta variant than vaccines.

The newly released data show people who once had a SARS-CoV-2 infection were much less likely than never-infected, vaccinated people to get Delta, develop symptoms from it or become hospitalized with serious Covid-19. Science staff writer Meredith Wadman noted.

From New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science:

Natural immunity plays an important role in Covid-19. There is no evidence to suggest that Covid-19 gene-based ‘vaccination’ offers superior protection from Covid-19 as compared to natural immunity. Indeed, many believe the reverse is true. 102 Source: GISAID, via as presented by Our World in Data up to 11 July 2022. The Time of Covid 40 14.3.

In acknowledgement of the important role of natural immunity, even Bill Gates, perhaps the most prominent vaccine proponent, speaking at the Munich Security Conference reported 23 February 2022 admitted that “the virus itself, particularly the variant called Omicron, is a type of vaccine”.

It is time Kiwis remembered that Jacinda Ardern and Dr Ashley Bloomfield, Director of Health would not let New Zealanders have the opportunity of ‘herd’ immunity against Covid-19. Instead, Ardern and Bloomfield imposed one of the most restrictive lockdowns and quarantine Covid-19 responses in the world.

Once, the virus ‘escaped’ into the community, they legislated that many people would lose their jobs if they did not have the Covid jab. The mantra became vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, from all politicians and most health workers. New Zealanders were bombarded that the vaccine was safe and effective; the only way to provide immunity.

Sweden’s hands off approach was controversial, but Anders Tegnell, top epidemiologist, held his nerve against intense medical disdain and maintained that herd immunity would be best.

Sweden ranks 57th in per-capita Covid-19 deaths worldwide and out of 47 European countries Sweden places 30th.

Some other references:

Natural infection is still substantially superior to vaccines for Omicron strains, despite the evolved immune evasion of Omicron and the immune imprinting problem.

A recent study by Abu-Raddad et al., published in the formerly respectable New England Journal of Medicine, shows that acquired immunity against Covid works very much as it does with other respiratory viruses: it affords relative protection against reinfection and robust protection against severe disease or death. The study was conducted on a large cohort of approximately 260,000 unvaccinated persons:

Your immune system is your best defence against SARS-CoV-2, and indeed all coronaviruses.
