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Let’s Build a Big Wall, That’ll Teach Them

Yesterday the tyrant held a press conference that showed how utterly out of touch she was with reality. She chose to value gardens and lawns over people.

Ardern said she was angry and deeply saddened to see Parliament desecrated in the way seen today, including the children’s playground being set alight.

She says it demonstrated why the government refused to engage with the group.

“It was an illegal occupation, they engaged in hostile, violent and aggressive behaviour throughout the occupation, and today that has culminated in the desecration of this Parliament’s grounds. I am absolutely committed we will restore those grounds and we will not be defined by one act by a small group of people.”

Radio New Zealand

Listen as she cries crocodile tears over…a slide.

The “desecration” was not of lawns and gardens, it was of democracy, as Ardern sent in her complicit, jackbooted thugs to destroy people’s possessions and their rights to protest and freedom of speech.

Make no mistake, it was democracy that died on that lawn on Wednesday 2 March 2022.

It was democracy that was desecrated by the violence of the state against people who had been ostracised, marginalised, vilified, and now brutalised by an uncaring leader and an uncaring government that had destroyed their jobs, their lives, their businesses: all to force people to take an experimental medicine that clearly doesn’t work.

All the tyrant had to do was listen. Instead, she chose to continue her persecution of those people, and this time she used tear gas, rubber bullets, batons, water cannons and riot shields to further subjugate and beat them down.

If you want a lesson in how you radicalise people: You treat them as scum, and you tell the world they are scum.

Why was she surprised when after all they’ve had taken from them, including their humanity, they strike back. If you hit a dog with a stick enough times and eventually the dog bites you, it doesn’t make it a bad dog that needs to be put down, it means you are an abuser who got what you deserved.

If you hit a dog with a stick enough times and eventually the dog bites you, it doesn’t make it a bad dog it means you are an abuser.

If it were at all possible to show just how out of touch the elites ensconced in the parliament are then Trevor Mallard managed to do it yesterday morning, when he echoed the tyrant’s valuing of gardens and lawns over people, by telling us he wants to build a wall with big gates!

Speaker Trevor Mallard believes a wall around Parliament grounds may be needed following a protest which called the front lawn home for weeks.

After three weeks, riot police today stormed Parliament’s front lawn, tearing down tents and shunting protesters away from the site.

The aftermath revealed a once lush green lawn has been turned into a brown paddock of hay and dirt. A mountain of mangled tents and debris remains.

NZ Herald

Mallard should build that wall. Nothing says “screw you” to the people like hiding behind large walls, huge gates and the jackbooted Police. These are all the hallmarks of a dictatorship, not an open democracy.

Yesterday all the political parties lined up to provide a single voice regarding the protests. Mallard even went out of his way to profusely thank Christopher Luxon for working collaboratively with him.

For all intents and purposes, the National party is a fallen party. It once stood for values of individual freedom, but no more. They are just as fascist as the regime but their only point of difference is that they’d be a more efficient fascist regime.

They’d have locked us down harder, earlier and longer. They’d have rolled out vaccines, vaccine mandates and vaccine passes earlier and more efficiently.

They would have enforced mask mandates earlier and harder and they would have been more widespread. And we would have gotten to the exact same point but a few months earlier.

A point where it is now obvious that the vaccines, masks, and mandates have spectacularly failed to prevent the spread of Covid.

You can’t blame the unvaccinated for those numbers as they’ve been locked out of society. But now you’ll have realised that your ill-conceived notions of complying your way out of tyranny have been forlorn. Look what the state did to those who refused to comply: they beat them, stomped them, gassed them, pepper-sprayed them, and brutalised them.

If the state was prepared to do that to dissenters, what are they prepared to do to the hesitant, or the curious, who raise awkward and impertinent questions?

Your silence was compliance. Instead of saying discrimination was wrong, you went and got your jabs and your passes so you could travel, and you could have a cup of soy latte at a cafe. But what you did is cede power to the state, and that power was used on Wednesday in the most awful way. And still, you said nothing, because now you are afraid.

This is how we step, inch by inch, towards tyranny, because no one says or does anything. But now it is too late…the tyranny is upon us, and now you are afraid.

Well, I’m not afraid. I already know the state surveils me and this site. I already know I’m on lists. Still, I stand here flipping the bird at the state, for they are tyrants, and tyranny deserves nothing.

I warned everyone that tyranny was where we were headed. Some of you laughed, some of you mocked, but Wednesday 2 March 2022 showed you that we are here. It has arrived, the very thing that you thought you’d never see, the state smashing its own citizens in the face for daring to be contrarian.

I’ll repeat it again: you cannot, ever, comply your way out of tyranny.

There is a reason that people say you have to fight for freedom. That reason is that petty tyrants always seek to take your freedoms away and replace them with permissions. Then those permissions can be adjusted accordingly.

You may think you are free but you are not. We have surrendered our freedoms for permissions. Permissions to move about, permissions to voice opinions, permissions on how and what you can protest about, permissions on how to operate your business or even if it can operate at all. You are not free, you are slaves.

You need to fight for freedom, and you need to rip your freedom from the cold uncaring grasping hands of tyrants, and you need to banish those tyrants and all their supporters from a new free land.

What does our national anthem say?

God of Nations at Thy feet,
In the bonds of love we meet,
Hear our voices, we entreat,
God defend our free land.
Guard Pacific's triple star
From the shafts of strife and war,
Make her praises heard afar,
God defend New Zealand.

But we aren’t free. We aren’t a free land. Not anymore. We need to take back our freedom. We need to start that right now.

Throw down your masks. Refuse to wear them. Refuse to comply. Say ‘No more!’

Take down scanning signs, open to all, refuse to enforce mandates, stand up for our Bill of Rights.

Refuse to give custom to those who seek to restrict freedom. Don’t present your pass, don’t scan in and don’t play the game. Don’t give them money, they don’t deserve it.

Refuse to support media who seek to restrict our freedoms. Cancel your subscriptions, don’t use their paywalls, don’t advertise with them, don’t give propagandists of the state any succour. They chose subsidy over freedom; it’s now up to you to punish them for the betrayal of their ethics and the betrayal of the public.

Support only the media who believe in freedom. If you aren’t a member now, ask yourself why not? Do you support freedom or do you not? What is stopping you from becoming a member?

Cancel your membership of political parties that are anti-freedom. They don’t deserve your support any longer. That includes Labour, National, ACT, Greens and the Maori Party. It doesn’t matter that there is no alternative, just stop supporting them.

Don’t bother emailing them, they don’t listen. Don’t bother phoning them or going to meetings. Just resign and walk away. Show them your back, they deserve nothing more. Just walk away. De-friend politicians on Facebook, don’t follow them on Twitter. Do nothing to let them think they have support.

The same goes with anti-freedom friends and relatives. Disown them. Give them tough love. Try it, it is liberating. Give those who don’t embrace freedom nothing. Support and make friends with like-minded people. Use the ubiquitous ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ excuse. Or just click away and snip those anti-freedom people out of your life.

The only way we can take back our freedom is by action. If you take action you regain your individual power.

So while the elites are intent on building a wall to protect them, it is time you knocked down the walls of those who are against freedom. We can do that by only supporting liberty and freedom.

This ends when we say it ends. We don’t need the permission of elites hiding behind walls to live freely.

I will not be trod on anymore.

Take back your life now. Embrace liberty and freedom.

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