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Third World Problems. Cartoon credit: SonovaMin. The BFD.

Stuart Smith
National MP for Kaikoura

The MMP electoral system in New Zealand has its flaws, and many people are not familiar with how it works. In reality, only two major parties have a realistic chance of forming a government: National or Labour.

Some people believe that voting for a minor party will ‘help National’ or keep National ‘honest’, as was the case in 2017. Unfortunately, that strategy left many bitterly disappointed when Winston Peters chose to install Jacinda Ardern as Prime Minister.

It is crucial to understand that voting for a minor party actually decreases the chances of your preferred party forming a government.

The recent news that we are in a recession will not be a surprise for most. With food prices skyrocketing at a staggering rate of over 12 per cent for four consecutive months and no sign of relief in sight, the coming months will undoubtedly be tough for many Kiwis. The country finds itself in the clutches of a toxic trifecta of rampant inflation, soaring interest rates and a contracting economy.

The Labour Party’s spend-and-hope approach to fiscal management has driven us into this position, with grandiose announcements and no delivery. While it is true that the lockdowns have been economically damaging, other countries have come through much better than us – the hard facts speak for themselves.

Government debt in 2019 was $5.4 billion and is projected to reach $92.2 billion by 2024. While government spending has blown out to $61b more than it was in 2017, or, to put it another way, that is $28,000 more every year for every household. Do you see any improvement at all in our services to show for it?

That is why New Zealand finds itself in a worse position than many of the countries we compare ourselves to, such as Australia, Canada and the United States. Despite facing the same global challenges, they continue to thrive while we are on struggle street.

The simple truth is that the Labour Party has woefully mismanaged the economy and it is ordinary New Zealanders who bear the burden of their mistakes. Their wasteful spending, their snail-paced approach to reopening borders and their hamstringing of productive businesses with needless regulations have been a deadweight that has stalled our recovery.

Now is the time for disciplined economic management and revitalizing our economy by ensuring that government spending drives tangible results. Tax relief for hardworking individuals and encouraging the development of skills, technology and infrastructure are essential to get our country moving.

From my perspective, the choice is crystal clear. The coalition of Labour, the Greens and Te Paati Maori, the “coalition of chaos”, will only take us closer to social and economic ruin.

On the other hand, casting your vote for National is a commitment to rebuilding our economy. It is a step towards addressing the ever-increasing cost of living, reducing interest rates, tax relief and boosting incomes. That is the only way we can provide the level of public services that every New Zealander deserves. If you want a National Government, the only way to secure it is to party vote National.
