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Let’s Stop Pretending the UN Is Fit For Purpose Any More

Xi Xinping takes his lapdog for a walk. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Let’s admit it: the UN is no longer fit for purpose and should be abandoned.

The last remaining shreds of the UN’s relevance evaporated in the 1990s with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Since then, the UN has been little more than the plaything of despots, meddling and eroding hard-won freedoms in the West.

Where was the UN when Rwanda slid into genocide? Libya and Somalia became failed states?

Can anyone take the UN seriously when its “human rights council” is dominated by the likes of China, Russia and Pakistan? When the WHO so blatantly covers up China’s responsibility for the COVID-19 pandemic? When UNESCO tweets in celebration of Marxist mass-murderer Che Guevara?

Speaking of UNESCO…

Australia has hit out at a United Nations move to list the Great Barrier Reef as in danger with the federal government saying it was a flawed process that ignored the government’s successful management plans.

Why would UNESCO do that?

The panel is currently chaired by China and its draft “in danger” listing for the Great Barrier Reef’s status could be the first step in a process that sees the multi-billion tourism drawcard and generator of 60,000 jobs removed from the list of World Heritage sites.

Yes: China, the world’s single largest greenhouse gas emitter is attacking Australia for “lack of action” on climate change. And the UN is obediently parroting the Chinese Communist Party line.

UNESCO’s draft ruling will be voted on for ratification in July. Insiders say the process is heavily politicised and influenced by lobbying.

Senior officials within the Australian government believe that China is behind the move to declare the reef in danger.

The World Heritage Committee, the ultimate decision making body, is chaired by China’s Vice-Minister for Education Tian Xuejun. There are three other advisory bodies that feed into the heritage committee which are also dominated by Chinese officials. Feng Jing is chief of the Asia and Pacific Unit, Xing Qu is deputy director-general of Unesco and Xhang Xinsheng is president of International Union for Conservation of Nature.

The Australian

Does anyone seriously believe that this is anything other than just another front on China’s payback war on Australia, for questioning its role in unleashing the Wuhan virus?

Of course they do: the troughers and apparatchiks are always ready to toe the Chinese line.

Australia’s pre-eminent coral scientist Terry Hughes backed UNESCO’s move, arguing climate change had repeatedly found “climate change is the number one threat to the Great Barrier Reef” and Australia should be criticised for its lack of ambition on emissions reduction.

China’s greenhouse gas emissions compared to Australia’s. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Terry Hughes, it might be noted, is based at James Cook University, currently mired in claims of scientific fraud regarding climate change and the Reef. Hughes was specifically named by scientist Peter Ridd, who was promptly sacked by JCU for being “un-collegial”.

Australia’s universities are also clamouring for the government to kiss up to China again, so that they can get their valuable international students back.

But that’s all just coincidental, I’m sure.

Meanwhile, the WHO have been covering themselves in glory, yet again.

The World Health Organisation will scrap its guidance to women of childbearing age that they should not drink alcohol, conceding its draft advice was poorly formulated[…]

The WHO wants to reduce the world’s “unacceptably high” alcohol consumption by 20 per cent.

The Age

I’d suggest the Western world might want to reduce the amount it pays in UN dues by 100%. It’s high time we stopped funding the troughers, and lickspittles of despots.

Xi Xinping takes his lapdog for a walk. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

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