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Let’s Swap Natural Immunity for a Novel Medical Treatment

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This week I cared for my grandsons for a day after their young nanny phoned in sick, suspecting Covid. Two pre-schoolers ended up in my care with the third arriving home from primary school later; potential candidates for the Covid the nanny suspected she had.

Most would consider the nanny kind and responsible because they think children should be protected from infection, believing it can kill or trigger long Covid in children, but the Mayo Clinic says children represent just 19% of all reported Covid cases in the US since the pandemic began but up to 50% of them had no symptoms.

If half Covid childhood infections in the US went unnoticed, why the panic about keeping children safe?

Which is it – did these US children actually have Covid? Were they without symptoms because Covid is a non-event for healthy youngsters or were they incorrectly diagnosed with Covid due to faulty testing or some such?

Take your pick. My experience with the Covid variants so far is they are no worse than the common cold or ’flu in healthy adults and children.

Family members who caught Covid over the last year were unwell for a relatively short period of a few days. I happily helped in a Covid-ridden home despite being unvaccinated and not wearing a mask after overseas studies showed they don’t work.

Either I never caught Covid or I did but it was indistinguishable from a head cold with a similar headache, sore throat and runny nose and didn’t produce a positive RAT.

In any case, the prospect of catching Covid pales into insignificance after my experiences under lockdown. Standing outside a window waving and smiling through tears at my youngest grandchild whom I was banned from hugging for months was heartbreakingly cruel. Never again.

And yet here we are today having taken one step forward and two steps back.

Putting the nanny’s inability to cope due to her own illness aside for a moment, her fear of the children catching Covid can best be described as irrational panic.

How long ago was it that parents were thrilled when their children caught the usual childhood diseases? Some even encouraged chicken pox parties to develop immunity prior to adulthood when protection from the disease is more important.

Can you imagine the outcry if you suggested a Covid party for your children? How many of your friends would still speak to you?

Covid terror rules when we swap natural immunity for a novel medical treatment.

We were told that the Covid vaccination is just as safe and effective as the MMR vaccinations that my children and grandchildren all received. Is this true?

Canadian Doctor Byram Bridle says young children do not need a Covid vaccine.

A year ago, he was concerned about the risk of myocarditis in young men which in Canada estimated at 1 in 5,000 following the second dose of the Moderna vaccine. Canadian health officials instead recommended the Pfizer vaccine for young males as safer with incidents at 1 in 28,000. AstraZeneca was shut down after the risk of blood clots was estimated at 1 in 55,000 in Canada.

Bridle says young men are at very low risk from the disease and giving them a vaccine that could cause a very serious side effect makes no sense. Bridle says the vaccines do not have the safety profile Pfizer promised.

A court order forced Pfizer to release documents from their early trials admitting adverse events of 1 in 10,000 compared to the Canadian health authorities 1 in 28,000.

Bridle says the public was not getting accurate or correct information about adverse events from the Canadian Adverse Events Following Immunization Surveillance System (CAEFISS) so an alternative reporting platform, the Canadian Adverse Event Reporting System ( was launched in 2022 by a vaccine-injured private citizen to more accurately report on injuries.

Bridle says younger children are far more protected from severe outcomes from Covid-19. It’s an interesting phenomenon because very young children are usually more susceptible to infectious diseases but SARS CoV2 has a unique biology.

“SARS CoV2 has a protein that it has to be able to grab onto in order to infect our respiratory tract and as adults, you and I express hyper concentrations of that protein (ACE-2). The younger a person gets the less concentrated that protein is on the surface of the cells. The ACE-2 receptor, and so it becomes much more difficult for the virus to grab on.

So young children are naturally protected from SARS CoV2.

So, when you have a disease that doesn’t represent a major threat to a demographic, especially very young children – infants especially – you have to set the bar for safety very high and the reason is when you are talking about young children, they have the most…we call quality of life years…ahead of them.

What I mean by that is, look at the other end of the spectrum if an individual is 95 years old you can afford, perhaps, a higher risk intervention because there aren’t as many quality life years left but for an infant, they are looking at the rest of their life and so you can’t afford to administer a novel medical product to a very young child unless you are absolutely certain about the safety. Especially when you are talking about administering prophylactically, meaning they are already perfectly healthy.

And so, I have serious concerns with this recent decision.

For instance, for example the data that it is based off of. It’s based off a clinical trial…this is phenomenal…because in the United States now we are talking about this vaccine being administered to millions…millions of children…and the clinical trial is based on 400…400…only 400 children and not all of them completed the trial. 400 children. That is vastly underpowered.

So again, remember what I said? We shut down the programme for AstraZeneca in Canada because of a similar adverse event happening in 1 in 55,000 people so ask yourself, what are your chances of identifying a very severe adverse event that could happen…1 in 55,000 injections…when you’re treating 400 people? Obviously, you can’t detect a severe adverse event that would warrant shutting the programme down.

And worse, this clinical trial…Pfizer even admits they’ve had to go public because they don’t want to be liable…they did not even test the effectiveness of the vaccine in these young children against SARS CoV2.

Bright Light News Interview with Canadian Dr Byram Bridle on Rumble

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