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Let’s Unpack This Comment by Yadana Saw

image credit The BFD


On Monday the 14th of August that ‘upmarket’ toilet paper news rag, The Post in Wellington, owned by that disinformation site NZ Stuff aka Stuff (the truth), featured an article about Wellington regional councillor Yadana Saw who indulged in the hobby of choice for those few in immigrant minority groups, the racial attack. The full article is here for masochists and those who love to be outraged by complainers. The Post


…criticised local government for being too slanted towards wealthy, elderly pakeha people.

“I 100% do not recommend any form of elected political role for anyone who isn’t 200 years old, white, old, cashed up, hates paying rates/taxes, and loves driving everywhere,” Saw wrote.

OK, let’s unpack that. We have a specific attack on whites (racism), old people (age discrimination), people who hate paying exorbitant rates (that’s everybody paying rates) and like the freedom of driving where they want and objecting to the WCC, aka Wellington City Communists, destroying the roads for a vociferous minority, the cycling and scootering non-road tax paying, entitled leeches.

Well, Ms Saw, reality check. There are plenty of rich Asians from Chinese to Indians and all in between who like driving and not paying excessive rates too. Targeting one race is pure racism and I don’t notice a peep from the Goverment’s race relations person, likely because, as all white people know, they are legitimate targets for every non-white whinger with an axe to grind and are supposed to accept this arrant nonsense as legitimate.

She posted on Instagram,

Saw used Instagram to express her views about “discrimination, gaslighting, and low level insults” experienced by those who aren’t pakeha, wealthy, or older.

Saw said she spoke out after other colleagues told her these weren’t issues they had to face.

All this of course is opinion and devoid of evidence; not that this sort of thing stops lefty media from getting behind the professionally aggrieved if they even imagine something other than adoration. Is there an example of this gaslighting? What is a low-level insult? Perhaps someone not agreeing with her on every occasion.

Then it’s backed up by the usual suspect outsiders who also love a bit of attention and cherry-picked by the article’s author,

Tararua District deputy mayor Erana Peeti-Webber said Saw’s experience was not unique.

“For example, the word ‘half-caste’ has been used a couple of times in council and that’s quite offensive to Maori.”

Peeti-Webber put these attitudes down to upbringing and a lack of exposure to other cultures. The council was organising training to help some better understand the Treaty of Waitangi, she said.

Now hang on, what has an indelicately put but factual statement about Maori, because there are no pure blood Maori left, to do with a non-Maori?

Yadana Saw, who is of Burmese descent

What does the Treaty have to do with a non-Maori? Well, nothing of course, but Maori complainers just have to get in on the complaint bandwagon even if it’s not their bandwagon. A Maori activist type must never miss an opportunity, must they?

Then there’s another cherry-picked councillor outsider,

Palmerston North city councillor Orphée Mickalad, who was born in the Congo Republic, spoke out last year about the racism he’d faced.

He said he still faced denial about his experience, saying “it gets pushed under the carpet”.

Yet again, unproven accusations and opinion but let’s assume it is so. Actually, we do get it, life in Congo is hard. It’s a corrupt place full of exploitation but how much mileage do you expect to get from that? Also does he think that the racism he’s experiencing is mild compared to others? Let’s face it, people who are not interested in his experience or are tired of hearing about it do not equate to racism. In the end you have to do the hard yards like anyone in politics, it’s a dirty game, which is why most don’t do it. He needs to do the hard yards like all the other local politicians and face the fact that he is not special. That’s equality for you, Orphée.

What does equate to racism and blatant discrimination is a blatant public attack like that published. It is provable and public and what is being done about it? As usual, nothing, because some snowflakes of some minorities, who I’m sure really do not represent the majority, want a free publicity whinge and some attention because New Zealand will not change for or adapt to them and they may have to do some adapting themselves.

Of course, the multitude of far left-wing dolts in the WCC, most of whom are bitter Karen types as evidenced by their utterances over the years, all piled in on this to push their massive carts of woke, as is their obsession, in support of this whinge from the fringes.

Yadana Saw, New Zealanders are getting sick and tired of people who come here, often to escape their home country for a better life, only to complain. Fortunately being a free country you can leave at any time for pastures greener and take your racist complaints with you.
