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person driving the car
Photo by Holly Mandarich. The BFD.

Dear readers,

This is not an article I ever expected to write. Do you remember a while back my article about psychologists? I had been losing weight for four months and I assumed it was because of painful personal issues I was dealing with. It is just as well that I decided against using a psychologist because the cause was physical.

For the past five years a tumour has been growing on my kidney and this year it got big enough to do some damage. Completely unaware of this my doctor asked me to have a blood test after I told her how the weight was falling off me. The blood results came back and showed that my liver was fighting off an infection, so I was sent (after a second blood test showed no improvement) for an abdominal ultrasound which picked up cysts on my liver and one on my kidney.

I was then sent for CT scans which revealed that the ‘cyst’ on my kidney was, in fact, a tumour and stage one cancer.

Everything moved very fast after that. I was told I would have surgery to remove my kidney Wednesday next week, but, just as I was thinking, phew, it gives me time to get cover, I was informed that due to complications I would now be going to hospital Monday next week as I will need two operations: one on Monday to cut off the blood flow to my cancerous kidney and one on Wednesday to remove it.

In a nutshell, dear readers, our BFD team have been thrown in the deep end as much as I have, with very little notice. From next week you will still get all the same articles but some regular timeslots such as Stuff Up of the Day will disappear until my return, which is estimated to be in two weeks’ time.

Please bear with us as our standards may well drop over that period to… dare I say it… as low as Stuff.



