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Dear Editor

Examining Putin’s lies:

  1. Putin said his army was only near the border of Ukraine for military training and that he would not invade Ukraine.
  2. Then he said he was only sending in ‘peacekeepers’ to stop any conflict in Donbas – yet his army is now well outside of that region and are creating conflict.

Putin has lost all credibility. His actions are not in any way proportionate to any corruption which may have occurred within the Ukrainian government. Their corruption is certainly only equal to or far less than his own. There is no proportionality in Putin’s violence in Ukraine to any violence which may have previously occurred in Donbas.

Every bullet and missile Putin launches at Ukraine is just another reason why Ukraine should never demilitarise. It is just another reason why Ukraine should always have the exact same defence capability to return proportionate fire back into Russia. If Putin is so keen on demilitarisation – why doesn’t he demilitarise Russia?

If this is how Putin acts when Ukraine has an army – imagine how he would act if they didn’t.

In trying to prevent Ukraine from joining the EU and NATO, Putin has simply reinforced exactly why Ukraine should join.

Putin shows no signs of slowing down his invasion or actually signing any type of peace agreement.  He is in fact only using peace negotiations as a smokescreen while escalating his war.

It is now time for the Russian Ambassador to pack his bags and leave New Zealand (see ya later mate – come back in a few years when you have a new President!).

Micky Turner
