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letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor,

There has recently been a lot of serious discussion about the state of the economy, in particular as a result of the declining birth rate which, although it is a good thing carbon-wise, nevertheless creates challenges due to the subsequent ageing of our population.

As we know, as they age, older people become useless eaters, a burden on society and a general nuisance, holding our country back from developing into the fully diverse liberal rainbow utopia which is otherwise our destiny.

This is why we at Manatu Hemonga are proud to have launched our mobile Life Affirming Kindness Service. This state-of-the-art initiative, re-purposing a fleet of confiscated former ambulances, offers a groundbreaking mobile euthanasia opportunity for those who, at the end of their lives, cannot face a future without the now discontinued state-sponsored daytime TV.

We would like to acknowledge and thank the Will and Lavender Portcullis Foundation, George Soreass and everyone at the World Euthanasia Forum for their ongoing spiritual and financial support for this important outreach.

