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letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

“Why have a minister for women, but not for men?” Regardless of who asked it, Tory MP Ben Bradley or ACT Leader David Seymour, the intense abuse and feedback to that very question show why the question was justified and the need is real.

The level of personal ridicule from his peers and on social media that Conservative Ben Bradley endured, highlights the issue as there were even calls for him to step down.

Men are now actively targeted for socially approved attacks and abuse, are denied a voice, have significantly lower educational attainment, significantly lower life expectancy and are significantly more likely to commit suicide.

Death from suicide is the biggest killer for under 50-year-olds in the UK. Suicide is the second biggest killer for those under 24 in New Zealand and the rate for men is 3 times higher than women.

Men are also significantly less likely to retain or gain custody in family courts.

Men have different issues so representation is needed.

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