Dear Editor
The NZ Labour Manifesto was published 10 days after voting started. The Manifesto defines equality and fairness by its very contradiction, equity and equality of outcome.
To implement equity you have to take from someone else, exclude, implement preferential treatment or deny equal treatment based on a characteristic such as race or gender.
Who makes such decisions, without public transparency or accountability?
“Our vision of a just society is founded on equality and fairness. We believe in more than just equal opportunities—we believe in equity and equality of outcomes. An equal society is built on inclusion, respect for diversity, and co-operation.”
Like children who change the rules when losing a game, ‘social justice’ warriors want to remake our society because they alone think the results are unfair. Therefore any policy looking for racial or gender equity, no matter how well-intentioned, is misguided. Worse, at the heart of any discussion about equity is the implicit threat of tyranny. Most of the proponents confuse equality before the law with equality of outcome. The latter, by necessity, destroys freedom.
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