Dear Editor
Climate changes because nothing is permanent. Child-like minds prefer things not to change but children grow up. Or many do. Many adults live with childish outlooks. They are lazy and prefer simple solutions to problems that even children can understand are complex.
An example of a simple solution is to label CO2 evil and responsible for climate change. The IPCC are also a lazy bunch, simply taking the “best” 29 climate models and averaging their results to forecast warming.
The best model appearing in the last few years, INMCM5 (for short), has not yet been used to forecast (as far as I can tell). The reason it is the best is that it outstrips all the others in hindcasting. Even so it has difficulty in modelling the amount of Arctic sea ice.
(You can read more about INMCM5 here). The model uses 21 parameters with heat flux values (it’s about flow of heat energy, usually to or from the earth’s surface) and in the reference it states:
“Regarding the influence of rising CO2 on the energy balance. Global warming advocates estimate a CO2 perturbation of 4 W/m². In the climate parameters table above, observations of the radiation fluxes have a 2 W/m² error range at best, and in several cases are observed in ranges of 10 to 15 W/m².”
In other words, carbon dioxide does not play a significant part in climate change. We see here an easily read discussion which includes this quote:
“atmospheric CO2 tends to follow rather than lead temperature and biosphere changes.”
Can we all grow up?
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