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Letter to the Editor: Conversion Therapy

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

Regarding the reaction to so called Conversion Therapy, we seem to have created a society where one person’s bad experience dictates the response to all.

The Greens seem to have an ideology that leaves people without hope of change by normalising their current state, and not just in regard to orientation.

It’s not actually caring for people, it’s about ideology.

Just because one person doesn’t want to change, for example, their sexual orientation, that doesn’t mean nobody should. Who is to say that people are committing suicide because of the opinions of others and not because they can’t change?

One suspects that if Jesus were physically present and started healing the deaf and the blind the Greens would be up in arms about that too.

Contrary to what they say, they seem to want to take away choice and replace it with ideology.


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