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Letter to the Editor: Eugenie Sage’s Closed Mind

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

I must credit Hon W. Peters with having some concern for the environment. He has announced a fund, small in relation to the problem, but nevertheless a significant amount. Social pressure on the MPs by concerned conservationists (real people, not DoC staff) has resulted in finance to research and develop other means of pest control.

The minister for conservation – you guessed it, a list Green MP- will have no part of alternative pest control methods. Her response was to increase dramatically the area of conservation lands to be poisoned with 1080. No other considerations. None, not one. No way Jose.

Surely a Minister of the State should be open to suggestions, alternative means to achieving an end? Such biased, stubborn, single-minded, unreasoned and unreasonable pig-headedness reflects badly, not only on herself but the party and CoL equally.

As the saying goes, if you can’t stand the heat, get away from the fire. She is not suited to the portfolio she holds.

