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letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

You really do have to wonder at the inability of journalists and opposition MPs to ask questions of this government. Here’s an example:

Friday a week ago during Checkpoint with Lisa Owen on RNZ, Ashleigh Bloomfield said Covid-19 vaccinations were now up to 50,000 a week.

Sounds good, aye? Until you start doing some basic maths. Last night on 3 news Mr Bloomfield said “the goal was 3,000,000 more doses administered before the end of the year.”

Here’s the questions anyone with half a brain would ask:

1. How many first and second doses have already been administered?

2. How many doses of vaccine are currently in New Zealand?

3. How many further doses of vaccine have been ordered?

4. How many of those doses are currently in transport and on the way to New Zealand?

5. What are the dates for the despatch and delivery of all remaining ordered doses?

6. What percentage of the New Zealand population are anti-vaxers and what impact are they likely to have on the spread of Covid-19?

7. Now divide 3,000,000 by 50,000 and you get a rough idea on the number of weeks it will take to administer 3,000,000 doses of vaccine.

And that’s a long time past the end of this year. Somebody is being a tad frugal with the truth.


G Lancaster

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