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Letter to the Editor: Labour’s Deception

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

I can see why He Puapua was kept hidden from New Zealand First. It was because it could have changed the election. Winston Peters, Judith Collins and David Seymour would have been all over it.

In my mind, Jacinda Ardern and her government should now be taken to task over this as it is an act of blatant deception to all New Zealanders.

It’s not fair to the New Zealand public to be deceived in this underhand way by people with the intention of dividing the people of this country.

Willie Jackson has stated it was kept hidden and now it appears that things like the walking/cycle bridge are just another distraction to keep our minds off what’s really going on behind the scenes.

This shows Jacinda Ardern’s “be kind to each other” is just another wasted saying like the “team of five million”. It’s just a catch phrase to make people feel good.

It’s about time all New Zealanders were informed of Jacinda’s government’s real intention and that the “team of five million” demand answers.


Don T

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