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letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

Tolerance, diversity, acceptance and inclusion into society. These have been the catch cries of the past 30 years. Everyone is equal and discrimination can never be allowed in any way, shape or form.

Suddenly a virus with a mortality rate no worse than influenza is thrown into the mix. Then drug companies develop, with lightning speed, a form of ‘protection’ that governments are hell bent on administering to all and sundry.

Those who willingly take the said cure, feel safe in its care. However there are those of us who are not so convinced. To counter such ‘hesitation’, the governments launch massive propaganda campaigns with bribes and sweeteners attached. Some are persuaded by such tactics and accept the government into their lives. Similar to religion, faith is entrusted to the unseen. Faith is given to an injected fluid that won’t stop anyone from either contracting or spreading the said virus. However, it is claimed to lessen its effects.

Still some resistance remains. The governments decide the carrot approach is not as effective as they want it to be. They then reach for the stick, to coerce the doubters into submission. Employment is threatened. Inclusion in society is threatened. The ability to remain an individual is threatened.

The government turn the doubters into the enemy, claiming they are the cause of everyone else’s problems. For everyone to become free, the doubters must either submit or be segregated.

I ask you all, is this logical? Is this tolerant? Does this show acceptance? Is diversity no longer fashionable?

These are very dangerous days yet the virus has very little to do with any of it. Freedom is in danger of extinction.


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