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Letter to the Editor: The Doubled Anger of the Coerced-Vaxxed

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

I have a permanent ban on The BFD, but we are at such a critical point in NZ’s history that I need to write.

I am a medical specialist in a DHB. I have now had both doses of the mRNA Pfizer jab, against my better judgment but under threat of losing my livelihood – I have no option but to work as I have a family to support. And now, thankfully, the necessary Order for the vaccination mandate for health workers and teachers has been delayed, presumably due to mounting pressure on the government and specifically from Sue Grey’s court challenge this week. Well done Sue.

But I am now twice as angry with Ardern, Bloomfield et al as I was before. I have been coerced into a second vaccination under threat of job loss, and now I need not have done so.

The long term risk to me from this vaccination is unknown. And I know that Hipkins and Bloomfield deliberately lied on the ‘Sunday’ programme back in about April when they each looked into the camera and reassured New Zealanders that this vaccine was fully tested and safe.

My colleague has chosen to stop work rather than have the first vaccination. He is at huge loggerheads with his wife. He is incredibly stressed, and needlessly so. Ardern has so much to answer for.

The NZ Medical Council are not fit for purpose – in April they wrote to all doctors telling us that they expected us to be vaccinated to set an example. They were totally out of line – their role is to ensure competency in the medical workforce, not dictate personal medical treatments. I have lost all faith in them.

The senior doctors’ Union ASMS is likewise unfit for purpose – last week they backed the government’s plan for the mandate. They are therefore totally conflicted when it comes to supporting me in any industrial action to fight my employer over this. I shall be resigning from ASMS.

The only way I can now meaningfully protest against the Ardern Government’s horrendous edicts is to resign from my DHB post and work in the private sector. I am seriously considering this, but it will disadvantage my patients and colleagues. In our department of 9 or 10, one is retiring, another to retire in a year or so, and we cannot recruit overseas at present, so our department would shrink by about one third if I also resign – a very similar workforce shrinkage to the midwives.

There are three groups of people. Those who buy into the vaccination and have it, those who will never have it, and the third group are people like me who have done so against their will, under duress, coerced by a duplicitous regime.

Ardern should not mistake the apparent compliance of this third group as support; we are incandescent with quiet rage.

She is destructive; she must go.
And it will happen one way or another.


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