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Level 3 in Auckland Is a Joke

Old Jacinda Ardern lockdown flatten the curve short sharp years months featured image version

New Zealand’s economy is being trashed by the latest “short and sharp” lockdown.

Even if Jacinda Ardern is too scared to open up the borders she should at least let the retail, hospitality and tourism sectors restart their businesses. It doesn’t matter how many times she comes on television to spin her half-truths and fear, the fact is that the Covid horse has bolted. The plan now should be to continue to improve the vaccination numbers but also to let businesses open up.

It is a well-known fact that this government is pig-ignorant when it comes to anything to do with business. Their complete lack of understanding makes them a danger to the economy, to all business sectors and to the mental health of the people who have been subjected to 18 months of fear tactics.

At the start of the pandemic last year we were prepared to suffer the lockdown as we were in uncharted waters. Auckland is now in its fifth lockdown and people have had enough. The thousands out and about in Auckland make that obvious. It tells me that people have now come to terms with it and are prepared to treat it like the common ‘flu. In other words, they recognise, even if the government doesn’t, that they are going to have to learn to live with it.

My advice to the government is to get on with what will be a humiliating backdown and open New Zealand up. Their ridiculous strategy can only be described as tragic. It is not going to work any more than if you locked down each year for the other winter viruses. On average five hundred people die from the ‘flu in this country each year. These deaths seem of no concern to Michael Baker and his associate experts. Why not? I bet we don’t get 500 Covid deaths each year.

There have only been about 30 Covid deaths. Is that because of the lockdowns? If so, then we should be locking down every year to prevent the on average 500 deaths from the ‘flu. Covid, like the ‘flu, is just another virus. It is caught and is transmitted in the same way and mainly affects older people. I have yet to hear anyone address this obvious fact. Why not? Does it not fit with the government’s long term objectives?

So I ask, as I have asked before, what is the real game here? It appears to be a strategy of the left worldwide. In America, the left have bought off the media as has happened here. The left have employed similar strategies globally. Queensland and Victoria in Australia and states run by the left in America have all trod a similar path and all have ended in disaster. They are all in a worse position than those who were not so heavy-handed.

I believe that these politicians thought that, by using Covid as a distraction, they could force through their Marxist agendas. Those places where stringent policies have been implemented, including here, are all run by people who could be described as akin to dictators. Probably to no one’s surprise but theirs, it hasn’t worked. It hasn’t worked because these types are so all consumed by their ideology, they fail to learn from history.

All this government has achieved is accruing excessive debt and handing out excessive pain to get to where we are now. That is, to be months behind the rest of the world in implementing strategies enabling the country to live with Covid.

Ardern’s agenda can only be called an expensive failure, compounded by the fact that she and her fellow Communnist cohorts are, thankfully in most cases, incapable of implementing it. What we need now is to keep jabbing but to open up the business sectors and preferably the borders.

Let those who have a right to come home do so. When we open the borders Covid will come in. What is needed are the right strategies in place to minimise the risk.

Under this government, we have had four years of flying by the seat of our pants. The answer is clear: open up and get on with life. Most are already doing so.

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