Much of the Coalition’s campaign effort in the 2022 election has been diverted to fighting off, not just Labor and the Greens, but the “teal independents”. These are a handful of very rich, almost entirely female, climate botherers in what are normally deep-blue conservative seats. They are threatening to steal traditional safe Liberal seats — even Treasurer Josh Frydenberg’s.
And the Libs have only themselves to blame.
They walked out into the tide to complain about the temperature of the water and then acted all surprised when a bloody great wave hit them in the back.
The Liberals have always been a “broad church” party, where classical liberal economic types can rub shoulders with wealthy pearl-clutchers. We used to call such blue-green types the “Doctor’s Wives” and the “Wets”. But the Libs are fast finding out that, when you get too wet, you’re in danger of drowning.
When the Wets complain that voters are abandoning the Liberal party, they’ve got it arse-about: it’s the party that’s abandoned its voter base.
Conservative voters haven’t changed their values. The Liberal Party veered hard-left and tried to drag the electorate with it – tugging on their leashes only to discover that democracies do not always do what they are told. When voters attempted to explain this, the soggy Liberals did everything short of calling them ‘deplorables’ […]
Instead of opposing what can reasonably be described as Eco-Fascism, the Liberals saw money dripping out of the sleeves of renewables billionaires and followed them home. Liberal MPs were lured closer by the creation of a ‘saviour complex’ with egos inflated to the point that they now run election campaigns that effectively say, ‘vote for me and I’ll save the whole world’.
Voters look at these half-wit deities in expensive suits with cheap smiles and dismiss them as charlatans.
As I’ve written many times, the greatest mistake that Scott Morrison makes is the same as too many supposedly conservative leaders around the world: deluding themselves that the fringe left will ever be satisfied by giving in to them.
For all their supposed intelligence, the Liberals haven’t worked out that you can’t out-Woke the Woke because they hail from a position of radicalisation. When politicians tell constituents that their children will die unless they cover the surface of the Earth in solar panels – don’t expect those same people to take a ‘moderate’ position. You’ve told them their children will die. Those that believe the message will take the most extreme position on offer – Teal or Green. Even the Labor Party are struggling. They played Frankenstein and created a political monster patched together from bits of Marx, Mao, Attenborough, and Dr Evil.
When the Liberals try to pander to the left, all they do is chip away at their own base. When Scott Morrison declares that he aims for “Net Zero”, too, he’s cut his own throat. Where can he go from there? There’s no pulling back and admitting that, hey, the whole climate alarmism riff is a string of lies and hysterical nonsense. When the likes of Dave Sharma sell the Liberals soul to the Sky Dragon, the only maneuvering room they have left is whether to destroy Australia’s economy tomorrow or next week.
Sharma has nowhere to argue from. He cannot say that there is no climate threat, because he based his reputation and policy portfolio on the climate apocalypse. If he argues for sensible climate legislation, the people he spent years educating on the coming doom accuse him of not taking the apocalypse seriously. If he comes to his senses and calls out the climate cult as nothing but globalist scam artists, he will quite rightly be shouted down as a liar – either he lied then or he is lying now. It is an ideological prison of his own making […]
The Liberals have created an unwinnable position for themselves. Wealthy activist businessmen who stand to profit from Climate Change policies – particularly in the sale and manufacture of renewable energy – have sensibly thrown a small fortune at the alter of Climate 200, knowing they’ll clean up a large fortune in business deals once the Teal Shirts hand wave public money in their direction.
Spectator Australia
A broad church only works when all the parishioners are given their chance to sing. The Wets have hogged all the pews to themselves and shouted “We’re all gonna die!” from the pulpit till no-one else can get a word in.
Now they’re wondering why everyone has walked out and gone to the chapel next door that welcomes conservatives.