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A poor, oppressed black woman, being poor and oppressed in the most exclusive club in Australia. The BFD. Photo: Twitter, not retouched.

How lunar left do you have to be, to peeve off a bunch of flouncing flamers in sequined g-strings? Just ask Australia’s most petulant, screeching, taxpayer-funded, braindead white “Aboriginal”.

Independent senator Lidia Thorpe has drawn condemnation after police removed her following a stunt at Sydney’s Mardi Gras parade on Saturday night.

Yep, the crowd who are totally OK with fat, topless lesbians on motorbikes and blokes getting naked and being led around on dog leads have to draw the line somewhere. Guess they must be racist or something.

Videos shared to social media showed Senator Thorpe, clad in black clothing, laying on her back in front of a truck as two police officers tried to keep the procession going.

Two others – who appeared to be Mardi Gras event co-ordinators – joined the confrontation.

Crowds behind fences on either side of the road can be heard in videos booing her and telling her to get up.

“Get back up,” voices shouted, while others inveighed expletives.

To chants of “Throw her out”, the racist enforcers of Australia’s systemically racist anti-black coloniser nation dragged away a white woman whose own DNA has been so relentlessly colonised that she’s paler than a month-old dog turd — and just as disgusting.

At the time of writing, Senator Thorpe has not responded to questions whether her trip was privately funded.

Even Thorpe’s attempt to defend her childish attention-seeking didn’t wash with the prancing poove club.

Senator Thorpe on Sunday defended her actions in a post on Twitter.

“Black and brown trans women started the first pride march as a protest against police violence.”

The Australian

Which is, like everything else Thorpe says, utter bs. As one man who was actually there when the gay rights movement kicked off pointed out:

Fred Sergeant, an American gay activist and a Stonewall Riot veteran, tweeted in reply, “This is flatly untrue. This is yet another example of 21st century historical revisionism designed to erase gays & lesbians from their own history. Pride was founded and organised by lesbians & gays alone.

Sounds like there’s a thinly-veiled message to not only the Great White Queen of Woke, but the bearded lady brigade.

But, it should be pointed out, facts are rarely on Thorpe’s radar. Last year, Thorpe attacked the Northern Territory government’s amendments to bail laws. Because, you know, it was all the doing of a white man.

Except it wasn’t.

There were just a couple of teensy-weensy errors. The NT Attorney-General was not a he. And she wasn’t white […] The then NT Attorney-General was Selena Uibo. Uibo was born in the Northern Territory. Her mother is a Nunggubuyu woman from Arnhem Land.

Like a great many actual Aborigines, Uibo has had enough of grandstanding “box-tickers” from the inner-city shouting down Aboriginal folk in Aboriginal communities.

“There is nothing more galling or frustrating than when we have a senator from inner-city Melbourne, who visits the Territory for five minutes, flies home and then goes back to the Senate and makes deceitful comments,” Uibo said.

And Uibo had some advice on etiquette for Senator Thorpe.

“When you front a committee hearing in Borroloola (a township 900 kilometres southeast of Darwin), don’t play on your phone the whole time. People notice.

“You should take the time before you travel to a remote community to ensure you are appropriately dressed for the community visit and not dressed like some southern tourist on their dry season holiday.”

The Australian

It’s a bit of a mystery why Anthony Albanese is using taxpayer’s money to fly Greta Thunberg to Australia. If he is so desperate to be shrieked at by a petulant, ignorant child, he only has to go across the hall to the Senate chamber.


World Class Tosh

World Class Tosh

If Harvey and Taylor genuinely believe that a waterfront museum filled with mythological nonsense will spawn a massive change of direction, then the asylum beckons and probably straitjackets for them both.

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