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Life-Jackets to Be Worn at Wellington Council Meetings

assorted life vest lot
Photo by Miguel A. Amutio. The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

I’m informed that such is the degree of wetness by the Wellington City Councillors, to avoid drowning, henceforth councillors will wear life-jackets when meeting.

The latest insanity is the proposal by two conspicuously wet virtue-signalling Councillors, Rebecca Mathews and Tamatha Paul, for a Rainbow Advisory group to be formed to offer their take on Council decisions.

Precisely why homosexuals, paedophiles, lesbians, gender confused trans, bestiality practitioners et al have a different perspective on drains, water supply and traffic matters than the rest of us was not explained.

This undemocratic nonsense must stop. It’s a democracy and if anyone wants input into decisions then stand for office.

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